
Mobile devices predictions see phablets outselling tablets this year

The same forecasts have seen those devices outselling notebooks in 2014.

Although smaller sized tablets have been growing in popularity over the last few years, it is phablets that are expected to be the hot mobile devices, this year, as at least one analyst has already predicted that they will become the top gadget in terms of sales.Mobile Devices Sales Predictions

The Kindle Fire’s 7 inch tablet exploded into the market, changing the consumer expectation for screen size.

That device was first launched near the end of 2011. They have gone on to produce many more mobile devices at that and small tablet model sizes. Others have jumped into that mobile devices market, as well, including the Nexus 7 from Google. Though some screen size is lost, there are a number of appealing advantages to a smaller sized gadget. Among the primary benefits that have been identified by users are that they are more portable, they are lighter, and they are typically less expensive than models that are 8 inches and larger.

These mobile devices have taken off due to lower price and functionality alone, but there is more to this market.

These small tablets may be the volume leader at the moment, but it is anticipated that a whole new class is about to take over. The Galaxy Note kicked this trend started, when Samsung’s gadget was nicknamed a phablet. Since then, devices with displays between 5 and 6 inches have been growing in popularity as they combine the practicality of a small tablet with the capabilities of a smartphone.

Technology analyst Bob O’Donnell, from Technalysis Research, has forecasted that this year, phablets will become popular to such a degree that they will begin outselling 7 inch tablets before the year comes to a close. The prediction is that more than 240 million phablets will be shipped this year, when compared to 158 million small screen tablets (7 to 8 inch displays), and 173 million notebooks.

O’Donnell pointed out that “We are in the midst of a dramatic recasting of the entire market for devices.” He said that this may be the next phase in entirely redefining computing, once again. It will mean that computing can occur in a new way and in new places. The outcome, he said, is that there will likely be yet another considerable shift in influence and power among the various manufacturers.

Augmented reality is Amazon’s latest shopping tool

The massive online marketplace has brought in AR tech for even faster buying abilities.

The iOS version of the Amazon app is now giving customers the opportunity to take advantage of Flow and augmented reality to help shoppers to be able to shop even faster and easier by scanning items in real life so that they will be able to instantly buy them from their own mobile commerce shelves.Amazon - Augmented Reality Shopping

This is making mcommerce headlines around the world as it changes the entire nature of shopping.

The idea is that a consumer at home would be able to spot an item that needs to be replaced or replenished and could simply pick up their mobile devices to scan it so that it could be automatically ordered. Undoubtedly, Amazon must also be hoping that consumers will also use this opportunity to order products from them while they are standing in another company’s brick and mortar retail stores.

The company expressed that using this augmented reality experience could make shopping as short as two seconds.

In fact, through the use of this technology, the shopping experience could be even shorter than that, once the consumer is truly familiar with this new version of mobile commerce. The Flow app was first launched in 2011 as a form of augmented reality software, and now its integration with the iOS version of the Amazon mobile app makes it possible for an item to be identified by aiming the smartphone camera at it so that Amazon can then find its replacement in its massive product inventory.

This image recognition function has been upgraded from previous techniques that involved barcode scanning, or searching by entering a product name and conducting a query using a manual search function on the website. If the image recognizer is not capable of identifying the item, the users are still able to fall back on the old fashioned searches or barcode scans. Reportedly, some of the most Flow compatible products are DVDs, CDs, video games, and books.

Once products have been scanned through this augmented reality mobile commerce experience, they are saved into a search history, which will make them even easier to reorder.