Mobile technology has propelled Canada to the top of internet use

As a result of smartphones and tablets, Canadians now spend more time online than people in other countries.

Although spending a great deal of time online is a popular activity for people in countries throughout the world, the penetration of mobile technology devices has sent Canada to the top of the list of internet use.

Canadians now use the world wide web a great deal more than people from any other country in the world.

A recent comScore Canada study’s results have shown that people in the country spend an average of 36.3 hours per month browsing and visiting about 80 different websites. Comparatively, Americans spend about 35.2 hours online per month, and people in the United Kingdom spend closer to 33 hours online per month. The study also revealed that mobile technology played a very large role in the amount of internet use that Canadians had.

Mobile technology such as smartphones and tablets considerably boosted the internet usage across the country.

Mobile devices were accessed a considerable amount, boosting the use of the internet above what it would have been if Canadians were using laptops, netbooks, and desktop options, alone. The research also determined that the subscriptions to various mobile apps and publications increased by five percent throughout 2014, reaching 24 million people.

That said, for the most part, when it comes to mobile users, the internet is being used primarily for visiting Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites, above all else. When it came to actual net surfing, reading, and other online activities, many Canadians still clearly preferred laptops and desktops. Shopping played a large role in the extensive internet usage of Canadians, but, again, this was primarily conducted over computers instead of mobile devices, particularly when the actual purchases were being made.

comScore also reported that Canadians are not only using mobile technology a great deal, but they’re also remaining on the pages that they visit for a longer period of time than other people from around the world. In Canada, people spend time on slightly more than 3,000 pages per month. This is notably lower than countries such as Russia, which spends far less time on the internet. This suggests that Canadians are spending a lot more time on each page that they visit than their counterparts from other countries.

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