Tag: uk mobile payments

Visa to expand its mobile payments service to the UK

Visa will be launching its mobile payments platform in the UK in June of this year

Visa has announced that it will be expanding its mobile payments service in Europe. Visa Europe has formed numerous partnerships with retailers and merchants in the United Kingdom, where mobile payments are beginning to gain momentum. The company has also formed partnerships with British banks in order to better compete with other mobile payment platforms that have launched in the country. Visa plans to launch its expanded service in the United Kingdom in June of this year, with 60,000 people being able to use the service at that time.

Digital wallet helps make payments more convenient

Visa’s mobile payments platform, which serves as a digital wallet, was initially launched in 2013. The platform allows users to make purchases online without having to provide their financial information more than once. One of the attractive features of the platform its use of digital tokens, which are used in place of financial information, making mobile transactions more secure. Visa suggests that its platform is more convenient than others, as it can save consumers time when making a purchase online.

Mobile spending is on the rise in the United Kingdom

UK Mobile Payments - VisaAccording to a recent report from Barclays, consumers in the United Kingdom are expected to spend more than $60 billion a year using their smartphones and tablets by 2024. Last year, British consumers spent a combined $10 billion from their mobile devices. Mobile payments are becoming a more attractive option to consumers in the UK, largely due to how convenient nature of mobile commerce and the services that are being offered by numerous companies participating in this space.

Security concerns lead to better protection for consumers

Though mobile payments are becoming more popular, there are security concerns that could slow its growth and adoption. Visa has been working to address these security concerns, using tokenization as a way to protect consumers and their financial information. Biometric technology, such as fingerprint scanners are also becoming more important in the mobile space, as this technology can be used to provide more protection to the mobile commerce space.

UK leads the world in mobile payments

Report shows that mobile commerce is growing rapidly throughout the world

The United Kingdom leads the world in terms of mobile payments, according to a new study compiled by Adyen, a payment technology company. More consumers in the United Kingdom are beginning to use their mobile devices for a wide range of activities, including shopping for products that they are interested in. This is not a trend that exists in the United Kingdom alone, of course, as much of the world is becoming more involved in the mobile commerce scene.

44% of all online transactions made in the United Kingdom have been made through a mobile device of some kind

According to the report from Adyen, nearly 27% of all global online transactions during the first quarter of this year were made using a mobile device. This is a 39% increase over the mobile payments that were made during the same period of 2014. In the United Kingdom, some 44.4% of all online transactions are being made through a smartphone or tablet. The country is leading the way in terms of mobile payments and has established itself as a prominent mobile market.

Efficient payment infrastructure and competitive mobile network industry provides consumers with more options

UK Mobile Payments LeaderAdyen suggests that the United Kingdom’s position as a leader in the mobile payments industry highlights the country’s robust payment infrastructure. This infrastructure has made it possible for mobile consumers to participate in digital commerce more easily, giving them the tools they need to engage businesses and one another through financial means. The UK is also home to a highly competitive mobile network industry, with several companies vying for the support of consumers that are interested in all things mobile-centric.

UK expected to retain its position in the mobile payments space in the coming years

Competition among these companies has lead to an increase in the number of mobile commerce services that are available to consumers. A greater number of mobile commerce options has made it easier for people to become involved in this space. The United Kingdom is not expected to lose its top position in the mobile payments space in the near future.