Tag: uk mobile marketing

Mobile commerce growth in retail studied by Absolute Digital Media

Research in the United Kingdom has shown that smartphone shopping is considerably on the rise.

Absolute Digital Media’s online marketers have conducted an analysis of eMarketer data and have discovered that mobile commerce sales in the United Kingdom are expected to make up 26.5 percent of overall online sales by 2017.

The company published a report that has provided a great deal of digital sales insight.

The article that was published was entitled “Mcommerce Takes 15% of UK Retail Ecommerce Sales”. What it showed was that digital sales, such as online and mobile commerce, in the United Kingdom, are making up a larger proportion of total retail sales than is the case in the majority of countries worldwide. It is expected that smartphone and tablet based sales, alone, are expected to reach £6.61 billion.

The research went on to reveal a great deal more about mobile commerce and its impact on shopping overall.

Mobile Commerce on rise in UKFor example, it was predicted that the sales would make up 11.5 percent of total British retail sales by the end of the year. This, compared with the 10.2 percent, which was the figure last year. eMarketer had predicted that among digital shoppers, 58.3 percent will browse or research the products that they are considering this year.

Using this data, the Absolute Digital Media marketers, who work at length in the retail sector, have looked more deeply into what the figures mean in a practical sense. In their article, they wrote that “The UK has always had relatively high online shopping rates, but it’s interesting to see such a sharp growth specifically in mobile sales. It highlights the importance for those in the retail industry to ensure their websites are optimized for mobile, smartphone and tablet devices in order to take advantage of this.”

The data from the eMarketer study has made it clear that there is a great deal of importance in retail for mobile commerce. This means that companies that wish to succeed will need to focus on making sure that they use the right marketing strategies and that they provide the right optimized online experience for people who are looking into products by way of their smartphones and tablets.

Mobile marketing to heat up in the UK

Mobile marketing expected to reach new heights during the summer

Mobile marketing is expected to go into high gear in the United Kingdom in the coming months. Some 17 million consumers throughout the country will be receiving targeting advertisements throughout their mobile devices as major retailers and telecommunications operators begin working together over the summer. Vodafone, EE, and O2 are the country’s largest telecommunications companies and each has been working with large retail brands to launch new mobile marketing campaigns.

Weve to lead massive mobile marketing push

These three companies have pooled a great deal of data into a single platform that they are calling Weve. This joint venture organization is meant to leverage this consumer data in order to deliver very direct advertisements to very specific demographics. The data used by Weve is comprised of age, gender, mobile device details, and other such information that could determine the type of advertisements a consumer sees.

UK mobile marketing shows promise for summerWeve to bid for mobile advertising space

During the summer, Weve will be bidding on mobile advertising space. The organization is eager to purchase space on various mobile applications and websites, but has a keen interest in mobile games. These games are enjoyed by a vast number of consumers throughout the United Kingdom and constant exposure to these games means constant exposure to mobile marketing. Mobile games may be the best avenue for the organizations marketing endeavors, but they do not encompass Weve’s overall interests in mobile marketing.

Weve receives regulatory approval from EU

Because Weve makes use of data collected from consumers, there have been concerns regarding privacy and how this data is being used or shared with others. In November of last year, the European Union granted regulatory approval to Weve, suggesting that the organization is not using consumer data in any way that could be considered malicious. Moreover, the data collected by Weve is entirely anonymous, with no personal details, apart from age and gender, being accessed by the organization.