Tag: qr code

Malicious QR codes growing in number


Malicious QR codesSymantec sees increase in malicious QR codes

Though QR codes are struggling to find a foothold with many consumers, their use is growing among a very particular demographic: Hackers. Symantec, a leading security solutions provides, has issued warnings concerning the growth of malicious QR codes in high-traffic areas. According to Symantec, hackers are beginning to place malicious QR codes in densely populated areas in order to increase  their own reach and attack mobile devices that may contain valuable information.

Popular marketing tools are also gaining the attention of hackers

QR codes are popular marketing tools, allowing businesses to stay engaged with consumers in a dynamic way. The codes are widely used as information distribution tools and as part of loyalty programs from big-name retailers. The codes have proven effective in the past, but many consumers have begun avoiding the codes for a variety of reasons. Security is among these reasons, and Symantec suggests that the time has come for consumers to take mobile security more seriously.

Hackers using QR code stickers to attack consumer information

According to Symantec, hackers are generating malicious QR codes, printing them as stickers, and covering legitimate QR codes with these malicious variants. Advertisements from major retail companies are popular targets, and passersby can rarely tell that a malicious QR codes have been used to cover a legitimate one. Consumers often scan these codes in order to access special deals being offered by retailers, but find  that their phone has been infected with a virus instead.

Applications can help keep mobile devices safe from exploitation

There are a variety of ways to keep a mobile device secure. Symantec, as well as other security firms, offer mobile applications that act as a form of anti-virus platform for smart phones and tablets. Some of these mobile security applications can also investigate a QR code before it is scanned to determine whether it is associated with a legitimate or malicious website. These applications can significantly reduce the danger that exists with malicious QR codes and keep a consumer’s information safe.

Komercni Banka uses QR codes to expand mobile commerce in Czech Republic


QR Codes Komercni BankaKomercni Banka eyes QR codes for new mobile commerce services

Komercni Banka, a leading financial institution in the Czech Republic, has launched a new direct banking service that offers some mobile commerce capabilities to mobile consumers. Unlike other mobile commerce services that revolve largely around the use of NFC technology, Komercni Banka has chosen QR codes as a platform for this new initiative. QR codes are most often used in marketing, but have proven capable of powering mobile commerce in recent months. The financial group believes that QR codes are ideally suited to meet the needs of Czech mobile consumers.

Codes begin breaking away from advertising

QR codes are beginning to break away from the field of mobile marketing, where they have been used extensively over the past years. The codes have shown that they can be powerful engagement tools, but have seen limited use in the field of mobile commerce. Retail companies like the United Kingdom’s Tesco have used the codes in the past for virtual “pop-up” stores, where consumers could scan  the codes to purchase products that were later mailed to their homes.

Consumers can use mobile platforms to make payments

Komercni Banka customers will be able to make payments using QR codes generated by the financial institutions. The codes can be scanned using a generic QR code scanning application or the Mobilni Banka 2 platform developed by the financial group. Users of the bank’s platform will be able to use QR codes to pay bills and issue payments to any company they choose. The new service may be well received among the growing number of mobile consumers in the Czech Republic.

QR codes may be a viable alternative to NFC technology

Mobile commerce continues to  gain momentum around the world, especially where mobile technology penetration is high. Most mobile commerce initiatives rely heavily on NFC technology, which is still rare amongst mobile devices. In order to make mobile commerce more inclusive to a wider range of consumers, organizations like Komercni Banka have been adopting alternatives, like QR codes, which have proven somewhat effective in the past.