Tag: pokemon go

Pokémon Go cheats get players booted for life

Some botters and spoofers may have been getting away with it until now, but Niantic is cracking down.

It can be tempting to use Pokémon Go cheats to get ahead in the game. However, cheating comes with a high risk. The developer behind the augmented reality game – Niantic – issued a warning to cheaters.

Cheating while playing Pokémon Go could cause a player to be banned from the game for life.

Pokémon Go cheats have become increasingly commonplace. Honest players are meant to walk around to catch Pokémon. They can also fight their monsters against those of other players at Gyms. However, some players have been finding ways to avoid all the walking to catch more Pokémon. Many have been successful in cheating. That said, Niantic is aiming to bring that to an end. It is not trying to gradually phase out the cheating. It is trying to slam the door on it.

Players around the globe have been using Pokémon Go cheats in the form of GPS hacks and bots.

Pokémon Go Cheats - Mobile GameThis way, they have been able to move ahead in the game. The cheats trick the mobile devices into thinking they are in a different place. Players can remain in their homes while tricking the mobile game app into thinking they are walking around. This allows those cheating players to increase their levels far beyond players who are required to run around their cities to find and catch more Pokémon.

The rash of cheating has caused a considerable uproar among players. Those who have been playing honestly simply can’t compete against those armed with hacks, spoofs and bots. Niantic’s official website now states that violators of the Terms and Services will be penalized. Among the penalties is a permanent ban from the game.

Therefore, if anyone is caught using a location falsifier of any kind, a bot, or even a third-party mobile app that tracks down Pokémon, the result could be a life-long ban from the game.

The developers at Niantic have also reached out to the player community. They have asked for assistance in putting Pokémon Go cheats to an end. The goal is to have players assist in tracking down cheaters around the world. A form is available to anyone who wants to report someone they believe is cheating in order to move ahead in the game.

Pokémon Go update enrages players who demand refunds

Certain third party mobile apps and websites that gave trainers the ability to locate specific monsters are closed.

The latest Pokémon Go update has created a massive stir among its players. Mobile device users who feel like they have to “catch ‘em all” are now short several tools for doing so. Game apps and sites that had given trainers the ability to find specific Pokémon have now been shut down.

This is because the latest update to Pokémon Go has eliminated nearby tracking from its features.

This Pokémon Go update in particular has players up in arms. The update removed the feature for finding Pokémon located nearby and shut down third party maps revealing locations. That said, this first major update to the mobile game changed several other factors about the experience as well.

Pokémon Go Update - Mobile GameFor example, players can now alter the appearance of their trainer. The curveball dynamics have also been changed. Part of the way gym battles function has been altered. The update improved the transfer process for sending unwanted Pokémon to professor Willow.

The footprint distance readings removal was the least popular among the Pokémon Go updates.

Services that players had been using to find nearby Pokémon have been widely shut down. These were forced to close with the latest game app update. This is causing massive upset among players of the most popular app in the world. After having become an overnight sensation that immediately drew millions upon millions of active players, it has already had over 100 million downloads.

Headlines have been repeatedly made as crowds of people have headed to various local landmarks. Dedication to the app has also led people to wander aimlessly into traffic, fall into holes and into lakes, oceans and rivers, walk into posts and even get caught cheating on their girlfriends.

It isn’t clear how long the hysteria over this mobile game app will continue, but what is clear at the moment is that players aren’t happy with the latest Pokémon Go update. One Reddit user, Oxgmum, wrote “Pokémon Go went from a game that I go out to play, to a game I play when I’m out, to a game I never play.” This gained the post more than 2,750 up votes in less than 24 hours.