Tag: mobile marketing budget

Mobile marketing budget slashed at Samsung

The largest smartphone manufacturer in the world won’t be spending as much marketing over that channel.

It has recently been revealed that Samsung Electronics, the biggest smartphone maker on the globe, has decided that it won’t be spending as much money on mobile marketing throughout 2014.Mobile Marketing - Budget Cutting

This decision has come as a surprise to some as mobile devices are a primary focus of the company.

The reason that was given for cutting back on the mobile marketing budget at Samsung, this year, is that the company plans to reduce that spending in a way that directly reflects its revenues. This, following a massive amount of spending during the fourth quarter during its tremendous promotional campaigns throughout the hot holiday shopping season.

That said, this doesn’t meant that Samsung will be ceasing its mobile marketing, only cutting is budget.

There are other advertising and promotional opportunities that are specifically being leveraged at the moment and that are cutting into the overall budget of the company. For that reason, some changes needed to be made this year to carry them through based on the revenues that are expected throughout that time.

For instance, according to Kim Hyunjoon, the senior vice president at Samsung, the company plans to “actively leverage global sports events such as the Sochi (Winter) Olympics” as well as their channels through retail. However, at the same time, they are working to “try to raise the efficiency of our marketing spend and lower our overall mobile marketing budget to revenue this year compared with last year.”

Kim Hyunjoon made this announcement to analysts as Samsung was releasing its earnings figures. Last year, the company had run a number of exceptionally large campaigns, particularly in the last part of the year. This came as a part of a number of different strategies and often coincided with the launches of a series of new types of mobile devices and gadgets that the company has to offer.

The company does intend to continue with a mobile marketing strategy this year and will maintain its reflection of the earnings it plans to bring in through 2014.

Mobile marketing will receive a greater investment next year

Companies will be spending more to advertise and promote over that channel in the next 12 months.

A recent report on mobile marketing and commerce has determined that showrooming may not be considered to be as great of a threat as expected, as only 11 percent of retailers participating in a study claimed that they felt that it is a shopping behavior that could be harmful to their own revenues.

For this reason, many companies are pouring more money into the channel to help to boost their in store experience.

The research, which was published by BuyDesire and Econsultancy determined that most companies will be increasing their mobile marketing budgets over the next year and that this reflects a greater adoption of the channel, overall. They showed that out of every ten companies, seven have said that they would be increasing their spending in this area within the 12 months following the survey. The purpose is to keep up with the growth of the channel.

Only a small number of companies are currently using mobile marketing at the moment.

mobile marketingHowever, the current trends are changing and although the majority of companies are not using mobile marketing at the moment, they are changing their tunes and will primarily be doing so within the next year in some shape or form. They will be incorporating these technologies into their overall strategies on a growing basis.

The survey was conducted by the company from July through August and involved the participation of over 500 agency and in-house marketers. Among them, almost one third (29 percent) intend to use tablet optimized websites for the first time in the next year, with a considerable growth in location based mobile marketing (22 percent) and m-commerce (20 percent).

According to an Econsultancy research analysis, Bola Awoniyi, who spoke about these mobile marketing study results, “The research makes it clear we are at a tipping point with regards to mobile marketing and m-commerce. More companies that have been treading water with mobile technology will be taking the plunge in the near future.” It was also seen that only 11 percent feel threatened in any way by showrooming, even though 67 percent noted that the in-store use of smartphones was rising.