Tag: mobile game apps

Another contestant enters the Chinese mobile games competition in the West

Pangea Mobile has now thrown itself into the race to change the direction of gaming app flow.

The current trend among mobile games companies has been to bring the offerings from the Western world to China, but a rising number of businesses is now attempting to direct Chinese games to the West, as well.

Pangea Mobile, based in San Francisco, is the latest to create its own strategy to take part in this effort.

The company has broadened its efforts beyond the development of game apps, in order to be able to offer services that will make it possible to allow mobile game developers in China to be able to offer their titles to smartphone and tablet users in the Western world. In this effort, it has now brought together a team of veteran game developers who will be offering analytics tools, localization services, and cross promotion features.

Mobile games are released at an astounding rate in China, and the company is hoping to take advantage of that.

Mobile Gaming - ChinaPangea Mobile has pointed out that China sees the release of 300 new games on a monthly basis. If those mobile apps could be successful in the West, then it would be of great benefit to those developers. The company also claims that its meticulously selected team has a thorough understanding of the challenges faced by Chinese developers who have attempted to step into the heavy competition in the Western market, particularly in the United States.

Ray Cheng, the Pangea Mobile CEO, stated that the company knows the various types of challenge that can be faced in terms of social media mechanisms, monetization as a whole, and retention, as well as the requirement for localization at a high quality level. Where China presents another range of potential competition problems, Cheng feels that the American game app marketplace is healthier and has a greater focus on quality and enjoyment of playing instead of just being able to win.

Cheng explained that when it comes to mobile games, “We are a true gateway to the West.” He added that “We are the only company that provides Chinese game developers and publishers one-stop-shop services with analytics tools to make their games successful in the Western market.”

Older mobile games from Sega will soon be removed

The brand has yet to announce specifically which ones will be taken down from app stores.

A couple of months ago, Sega released an announcement that said that it would be shifting its focus away from console products and toward PC and mobile games in order to help to rebuild itself with a fresh reputation.

Now, it has stated that it would be sweeping away some of its older titles from mobile app stores.

Sega will soon be taking down a range of its mobile games from the different app stores where they are currently found, according to a blog post from the company. This includes the Google Play Store, the Amazon App Store, and The App Store for Apple devices, as well as the Samsung App Store. The main thing that Sega has yet to say is exactly which among its game titles would be taken down.

While many have speculated about which mobile games would be taken down, nothing official has been released.

Mobile Games - SegaBy the time this article was written, the blog posts from Sega stated only that “It is important for us to ensure that all of our fans, regardless of platform or operating system, have a great playing experience and after evaluating our complete list of titles, we have determined that a number of them no longer meet our standards,” without saying exactly which of the mobile apps fit that description.

It also pointed out in a separate statement that there are a few smartphone and tablet games within their mobile catalog that go “back to the earliest iterations of devices” and that the expectations of today’s players have increased dramatically based on the advancements that have taken place in technology.

Some have taken to looking to the posting dates of some of these mobile games, and are guessing that the ones that have been available in the app stores for the longest may also be the ones that will be taken down. However, Sega has not made any effort to confirm or deny those speculations. It was made clear that while the game apps would not be available in the stores for purchase, they would still be available to individuals who have already purchased them.