Tag: gamers

Overwatch QR code may reveal new hero details

The quick response code has been decoded and suggest Sombra will be the newest character.

A new Overwatch QR code has caused a tremendous amount of noise among gamers. This has only added to the excitement following the video recently released by Blizzard. Reports have shown that a barcode has revealed the identity of the latest character to join.

Fans have been speculating regarding the next character for the last while and this has grown with the latest clues.

The Blizzard studio recently released a new video about the first downloadable character in the game, Ana. At the end of the video, there was a short length of “TV snow”, or static interference. This drew the suspicion and interest of many of the biggest fans of the game. It launched a tremendous amount of discussion over social media. Finally, it has been revealed that there was an Overwatch QR code buried within that snow.

Fans have been attempting to retrieve the Overwtach QR code in order to properly scan it.

Now that this has been accomplished, discussions on Reddit have shown that it leads to a brief message in Spanish. It translated to “Was that easy? Now that I have your attention, let’s make things more difficult.” To many fans, this pointed directly to Sombra as the next hero of the game. In Spanish, that name means “shadow.” This also helps to explain why the clue was hidden in the method chosen by the studio.

Sombra is an Overwatch character known for being stealthy, which aligns well with the message shared through the QR code scan. In fact, she is so adept at stealth that she may be impossible to see. After all, a video has shown other heroes – such as Reinhardt, Tracer and Reaper – appearing to call an opponent who is completely invisible.

This Overwatch QR code has certainly managed to get the rumor mill moving. It will be interesting to view the reactions of the fans as a new character is introduced to the game. That said, it’s important to point out that Blizzard has not yet officially confirmed that there will be a new character in the game, let alone an actual identity for that person.

Mobile gaming survey sheds light on problems that gamers have

Survey highlights the issues that gamers have with mobile gaming

Mobile gaming has become a fun and important pastime for a wide variety of consumers all over the world. Like other consumers, gamers are a very picky bunch, and anything they perceive as a significant challenge to their gaming experience could have major consequences for mobile gaming. A new survey from Ebuyer, an e-commerce retailer based in the United Kingdom, highlights the challenges that face mobile gaming, and what gamers consider to be one of the most significant problems with most of today’s popular mobile games.

Poor controls cause irritation for gamers

According to the Ebuyer survey poor controls are one of the most problematic issue facing mobile gaming today. Given that the vast majority of these games are developed with a touch screen in mind, creating a control interface that can be both accurate and effective has been a serious challenge for nearly all developers of mobile games. Touch screens are not designed specifically for games, thus have limited functionality when it comes to gaming. According to the survey, 23% of gamers said that controls were often so irritating that they refused to play mobile games.

Micro-transactions and bugs are also a top issue

Controls are not the only problems gamers have with the mobile space, of course. The survey shows that 20% of gamers claim that micro-transactions are problematic in some regard. These gamers suggest that micro-transactions are either completely unjustified or that they are too difficult to use. In some cases, a poorly implemented micro-transaction system has led gamers to spend significantly more money than they had initially intended because of their repeated efforts to get the system to work properly. Bugs and glitches were also a problem for gamers. Approximately 17% of the survey’s respondents claimed that bugs were irritating enough to stop them from playing games.

Advertising proves to be the most problematic issue

The chief issue that gamers have with the mobile gaming space, however, is in-game advertisements. More than 40% of the survey’s respondents claimed that these advertisements were a very problematic issue and that they would be willing to pay significant fees in order to not have to see these advertisements at all. While these problems represent aspects of mobile gaming that are well on their way to becoming infamous, finding solutions to these problems is likely to be a difficult task for developers.

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