Tag: emarketer mobile report

Mobile payments explosion is turning out to be a small crackle

eMarketer has reduced its forecasts for the use and value of these transactions this year and onward.

Even as the mobile payments industry continues to insist that it is on the cusp of a massive explosion in use, eMarketer has slashed its growth estimates in half for the remainder of the year.

In October 2012, the firm had predicted that the market would reach the $2.12 billion mark this year.

However, in their latest report, which was only just released, it has reduced that figure to $1 billion, instead. Between 2011 and 2012, mobile payments had experienced a tripling in its transactions. However, eMarketers’ initial growth estimates have now been scaled back considerably as it witnesses an ever larger number of issues in the way of the adoption of these transactions.

Mobile payments struggles continue in the form of adoption problems, delays and a “congested landscape”.

One of the primary factors contributing to the slow adoption of mobile payments is the companies within that industry. There are a tremendous number of players, each of which have their own competing technologies. This lack of a standard or a universal format is causing both consumers and businesses to feel confused about the industry as a whole and is leading them to hesitate before even considering adopting its use.

eMarketer now feels that it will take until 2016 for mobile payments transactions to reach the $20 billion level. This is a full year longer than their previous forecast. At that rate, however, it could still mean that by the end of 2017, it may be able to reach $58 billion, which is certainly nothing to laugh at.

It should be noted that while adoption isn’t exploding as many predictions had thought, mobile payments remains and extremely hot space at the moment. The chance to redefine the way that people pay for the products and services that they purchase is a tremendous opportunity for startups, big tech companies, and large financial institutions alike. It is the first time that this kind of opportunity has opened up since debit cards joined credit cards as being highly popular forms of plastic transaction at a point of sale.

New survey shows that businesses are taking mobile commerce more seriously

Mobile commerce is gaining more support from businesses in the US

InformationWeek and Mobile Commerce World have released the results of a new survey concerning the growth of mobile commerce in the U.S. The advent of mobile technology has had a major impact on the way consumers live their lives. People are beginning to rely very heavily on their smartphones and tablets to handle many aspects of their lives, particularly commerce. Mobile commerce is quickly becoming a very prominent part of the lives of consumers and as it becomes more popular with these consumers, businesses are beginning to see mobile commerce grow more important to them as well.

71% of companies consider mobile commerce extremely important

According to the survey, 71% of companies in the U.S. believe that mobile commerce is extremely important to their future. These businesses consider the mobile space to hold very promising revenue opportunities, but tapping into these opportunities has proven somewhat difficult for several companies throughout the U.S. Part of the reason for this is due to the challenges that mobile commerce itself faces, especially in regards to mobile security.

Comprehensive mobile commerce services become more widely available

While challenges do exist, more comprehensive mobile commerce services are beginning to emerge throughout the country, some of which have shown their ability to overcome the challenges of security and efficiency. The survey shows that one-third of businesses have plans to adopt these comprehensive services in the near future in order to accommodate the changing needs of consumers. Nearly 40% of these companies are embracing mobile commerce specifically to connect more dynamically with a new generation of consumers that have proven heavily reliant on technology.

Mobile commerce accounts for 11% of all online sales in the US during 2012

Another report from eMarketer, a leading market research firm, provides some insight on why companies are beginning to embrace mobile commerce more readily than they have in the past. The eMarketer report shows that U.S. retail mobile commerce sales reached $25 billion in 2012, accounting for 11% of all online sales made throughout the country during that year.

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