Tag: amazon

Report highlights the growth of mobile commerce during the 2014 holiday season

ChannelAdvisor releases report showing that online merchants had a successful holiday season

ChannelAdvisor has released its latest report concerning the performance of online marketplaces during the holiday season. Companies like Amazon and eBay have performed well during the 2014 holiday season, particularly because of their focus on mobile commerce. According to the report from ChannelAdvisor, online marketplaces say a 16.2% increase in digital sales during the holidays. Much of this growth came from mobile shopping, as consumers opted to use their smartphones and tablets to purchase products rather than visit physical stores.

Amazon saw an increase in online sales during the holidays, with some of its growth powered by mobile commerce

Amazon saw a 26% increase in sales among same-store merchants. These merchants fall into the category of those that have been selling through Amazon for at least one year. Amazon saw significant growth in online sales because of its aggressive promotional deals, which were launched at the beginning of December. Some of these deals were offered to mobile consumers specifically, creating an incentive for consumers to participate in mobile commerce.

Mobile shopping continues to gain momentum among consumers and businesses

mobile commerce - holiday seasonMobile commerce proved quite popular during the holiday season because of its convenient nature. Many consumers opted to shop on their mobile device in order to avoid the chaotic crowds that surge to physical stores during the holidays. By shopping on a mobile device, many consumers were able to purchase products from the comfort of their homes, or while traveling, and these products could be delivered to a destination of their choosing.

Online retailers are beginning to focus more heavily on the mobile commerce sector

Online retailers have been engaged in e-commerce for several years, but they are relatively new to the mobile commerce space. These companies have managed to engage mobile consumers effectively during the holidays, which has granted them some significant momentum going into the new year. Consumers are likely to continue using their mobile devices to shop online, especially as mobile commerce platforms become more engaging and offer better experiences.

Mobile commerce proves successful for Amazon

Amazon reports a very active mobile shopping season this year

Amazon has seen a significant increase in mobile shopping over the holiday season. The online retailer has released information that shows that nearly 60% of those shopping on the day after Christmas were doing so from mobile devices. Mobile traffic to the retailer’s website also shot up, showing that more people are using their smartphones and tablets to look for products they may be interested in online rather than at physical stores.

Consumers are flocking to online stores to take advantage of convenient shopping

According to information released by Amazon, holiday sales through its mobile shopping application doubled in the United States this year. Cyber Monday remains the retailer’s most active mobile shopping day of the year, but sales grew more quickly on Black Friday than any other day. Those shopping on Amazon showed particular favor for electronics, such as the company’s Fire TV Stick and the Fire TV itself. Amazon’s own mobile devices also sold well during the holiday season.

Consumers show favor for the convenience of shopping online with their mobile devices

Amazon - mobile commerceMany consumers have opted to shop online from a mobile device in order to avoid large crowds at stores. The holiday season is somewhat notorious for being a chaotic time in retailer stores, where many people try to find the best deals that are being offered by retailers. Mobile commerce is often cited as a more convenient way for consumers to shop for and purchase products they are interested in. Companies like Amazon and eBay have been investing heavily in the mobile space in order to make it easier for consumers to shop online from a mobile device.

Some retailers are unconvinced of the value of mobile commerce

Over the past two years, the holiday season has proven that mobile commerce is more than just a passing trend among consumers. A growing number of retailers are beginning to show more interest in the mobile space in order to connect with a new generation of consumers. Some retailers are still unconvinced that mobile commerce is a worthwhile investment, however, which may mean that they could be losing out on significant opportunities in the future.