Tag: amazon

Google takes another step into the mobile commerce world

Google to introduce new feature that may appeal to mobile shoppers

Google is taking a step to better compete with others in the mobile commerce space. The company is preparing to introduce a “Buy Now” button on paid mobile search results, which would allow mobile consumers to purchase products that they are interested in. Google has become one of the most powerful mobile advertising businesses in the world and has adopted a strong interest in mobile commerce. In an effort to compete with companies like eBay and Amazon, Google continues to look for ways to encourage consumers to participate in mobile shopping.

Buy Now button will allow consumers to purchase products from mobile searchers

The Buy Now button is meant to accompany paid mobile advertisements, but will not be shown as part of non-sponsored search results. Google will not be selling products itself, as the retailers responsible for the paid advertisements will be in charge of the products. There is no information concerning which retailers have partnered with Google for the launch of the Buy Now button, but some rumors suggest that Macy’s will be among the first companies to become involved in this new initiative.

Retailers have some concerns about mobile commerce

Mobile Commerce GoogleMobile commerce has become a powerful force among retailers, and Google is interested in establishing a greater foothold in this space. The growing prominence of mobile commerce has raised some concerns among retailers. Some companies are concerned that Google will effectively become a sore of store front, which could have a negative impact on their relationship with consumers. In order to avoid this issue, Google will be ensuring that the Buy Now button will direct consumers to a retailer’s website.

Google may help retailers engage mobile shoppers more effectively

Consumers have expressed significant favor for mobile shopping due to its convenient nature and their ability to shop anywhere with a mobile device. Retailers have been relatively slow in embracing mobile commerce, but more companies are beginning to do so in order to accommodate the interests of consumers. Google may play a major role in helping these companies reach a growing mobile audience.

New mobile commerce incubator to be set up in India this year

Alibaba and Globals will be establishing an incubator to help mobile commerce and mobile Internet startups

China’s Alibaba will be establishing a startup incubator for mobile Internet and mobile commerce in Bangalore, India. The project will be set up in partnership with Globals, an Indian mobile and analytics solutions company. The two companies have taken note of the meteoric rise of digital commerce, a rapidly increasing number of consumers opting to use their mobile devices to shop for and purchase products online and in physical stores.

Alibaba continues to invest heavily in the mobile space in order to establish dominance in digital commerce

Alibaba has already invested quite heavily in both the electronic and mobile commerce sectors. The company is considered China’s largest online retailer organization and rivals both eBay and Amazon in the global market. Over the past few years, Alibaba has been focusing more of its attention on the mobile space, opting to support mobile projects and platforms that allow consumers to use their smartphones and tablets to shop online.

India is one of the world’s fastest growing mobile markets

Mobile Commerce in IndiaIndia is often characterized as one of the world’s fastest growing mobile commerce markets. The expansion of the mobile Internet throughout the country has made it possible for more consumers to participate in mobile commerce. As consumers becoming increasingly mobile, more startups are beginning to emerge that aim to provide valuable services to these consumers. In order for these startups to become successful, however, they must have the appropriate financial support and, in some cases, access to experienced consulting services.

New incubator will provide support for mobile commerce startups in India

The incubator that Alibaba and Globals will set up is expected to be launched in May or June of this year. The incubator will provide startups with mentoring and financial aid, pairing companies with the appropriate financiers and consulting services that they need. The incubator could be a boon for the numerous mobile commerce startups that are beginning to emerge in India, which could bolster the overall mobile market of the country