Peoplecount report highlights benefits of location-based marketing

peoplecount reportPeoplecount investigates the effects of location-based information in marketing

Peoplecount, a leading market research firm, recently released a report on behalf of ADCentricity, a location-based solutions company, concerning the marketing prospects of location-based digital media. The report was based on an ADCentricity client in the insurance industry, which had been running a national marketing campaign targeting various demographics. The report highlights various factors of the marketing campaign and its reach to consumers, covering aspects such as brand awareness, message recall, purchase intent, influence, and basic audience demographics.

Marketing campaign sees high exposure and engagement

According to the report, more than 80% of consumers that had experienced the marketing campaign heard it over the radio, with 50% having seen some aspect of the campaign on a digital screen of some sort. Approximately 1% of the consumers surveyed by Peoplecount were not aware of the advertisement at all. Most of these consumers were able to aptly recall the advertisement.

Insurer targets specific demographics for products

The report shows that the insurance company behind the marketing campaign made use of demographic information to sell its products to a targeted audience. Peoplecount notes that 68% of these consumers already held an insurance policy that related to the same type of coverage the insurer was trying to sell. Approximately 10% of consumers had plans to purchase additional insurance coverage within the next year. Peoplecount found in its report that the marketing campaign saw the most success in venues that had high dwell times, such as gyms and doctor’s offices.

Geographic information helped campaign find success

The report highlights the benefits of using location-based information to target consumers. The insurance company behind the marketing campaign was able to use this information to target consumers that would be in locations with high dwell times. As a result, the insurer saw a great deal of exposure through its campaign. While the report does not document the impact the campaign had in terms of sales, it does show that location-based marketing is a powerful way to reach a target audience.

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