
Qualcomm upgrades membership in NFC Forum


NFC Forum NFC TechnologyQualcomm increases support for NFC technology

Qualcomm, a leading developer of mobile computer chips, has been showing increasing interest in NFC technology in recent months. The company has developed some products that are NFC capable, but has largely served as an observer of the technology over the years. Now, Qualcomm has upgraded its membership in the NFC Forum, an industry association that promotes standards for NFC technology. The move signals the company’s growing favor of the technology and its capabilities in the mobile sector.

Company now part of the Board of Directors

In upgrading its membership, Qualcomm is now a part of the NFC Forum Board of Directors and will play a managing role in the association from now on. The company has a long history with the NFC Forum, contributing a wide variety of technical information on the capabilities of NFC chips to the association and its committees. Qualcomm believes that NFC technology is capable of driving seamless user experiences in the mobile space, as well as in other markets.

NFC technology beginning to expand beyond mobile payments

NFC technology is most commonly used in mobile commerce, but has promising prospects in other sectors. The technology could be used in marketing to great effect, as it is capable of engaging consumers and providing them with digital content quickly. NFC can also be used as an efficient form of information distribution and data sharing. Qualcomm and the NFC Forum are committed to seeing the possibilities of the technology flourish and see more attention in numerous industries.

NFC Forum to make use of Qualcomm technology and expertise

The NFC Forum is expected to benefit greatly from the technology that Qualcomm will provide as a member of the Board of Directors. Qualcomm will also participate in testing and certification programs that are launched by the NFC Forum. Qualcomm is investing heavily in the future of NFC technology, believing that it could be a revolution for various aspects of business that are becoming increasingly reliant on the mobile space.

What many mobile marketers are suggesting for QR code campaigns

qr code marketingUsing the best practice methods for quick response codes will go a long way toward success.

If there is one form of mobile marketing that can be considered highly controversial at the moment, it’s QR codes.

While some feel it is one of the best technologies currently available, others feel it was dead before it started.

No matter how you may feel about QR codes, the fact is that some companies have used them in order to achieve tremendous responses and highly successful campaign results. The difference between the efforts that have been a complete flop, and those that have broken records is in the techniques that are used. After all, the technology remains the same, no matter how it is applied.

QR codes are not all that complex, but need to be made worthwhile or they will not be scanned.

Among the issues to consider are best practices as basic as the following:
Placement – if your QR codes are positioned in a way that they will not be noticed, then the odds are that your results will be minimal to nonexistent. You need to make sure that they are visible enough that the viewer will spot them, as well as being the right size that they will be easily scanned. Make sure that they are not located in the crease of a magazine or in a spot that the user will not be able to conveniently snap it.
Call to action – when you apply QR codes as a marketing tool, you need to make sure that you are encouraging the customer to do something, such as make a purchase, learn about a relevant product, or take advantage of a promotion. By simply linking to a homepage, you will be creating a dead end for users as they have been provided with no further instruction as to how to proceed. The success of these barcodes is based on using them to accomplish a specific goal.
Landing page – the page to which consumers are directed after scanning QR codes don’t need to be complex or large. They simply need to be mobile optimized, useful, and interesting. They can include written content, but they should be designed in a way that provides a little bit at a time and encourages the user to continue to learn more. Additional content options such as videos can help to improve interest, provided that it does not overlook the call to action.