
What mobile technology does 2017 have on tap?

A device to predict the future may not yet have been released, but industry analysts have their own forecasts.

Mobile technology truly solidified itself last year. It was no longer something new or luxurious. It became the standard and the vast majority of people have it. It is the new worldwide norm.

With a new year underway, industry influencers are weighing in with the direction they think 2017 will take.

This year’s mobile technology market will, after all, be taking a new direction. It’s no longer a matter of making itself mainstream. That has already happened. Fresh directions need to be taken in terms of both hardware and software.

Mobile Technology 2017The entire concept of “mobile” is expanding. It’s not just a smartphone anymore. Last year planted the seed for the widespread growth of virtual reality, augmented reality, smart home gadgets and even the beginnings of artificial intelligence. So now we’re starting to wonder where that leaves us. In which direction will we take all this smart tech?

Industry analysts are taking a hard look at 2017 mobile technology and have some big predictions.

Among those mobile tech forecasts are the following:

• Changes in “reality” – the stage has been set for virtual reality, augmented reality is already hot (greatly thanks to Pokémon Go) and the iPhone 8 is rumored to be heading in a mixed reality direction. AR, VR and mixed reality are all headed toward more mainstream use.

• Artificial intelligence – we may not yet have reached the point where a robot housekeepers will be moving into our homes, but websites will be getting the next best thing through the more commonplace use of AI-based chatbots.

• Mobile Internet of Things – IoT has been a hot topic for the last handful of years but this year will start to see its use in a much more standard way now that smartphones are in the majority of people’s hands, handbags or pockets. For many, the smartphone is the core of a consumer’s connected life. In 2017, they will become a component of a broader smart environment.

To a certain degree, mobile technology will become so popular that it won’t need the word “mobile” to be used in many areas anymore. Online transactions and interactions will continue shifting away from desktop. The question is whether or not 2017 will bring the world to the point that web traffic is simply assumed to be mobile traffic – no specification needed.

Would you buy a sparkling Swarovski smartwatch?

Qualcomm and Google are getting together for an Android Wear device featuring the glittering crystals.

The next – or, more likely first – wearable technology you buy may be a Swarovski smartwatch. If the future Google and Qualcomm partnership is successfully designed, there may finally be a “smartwatch for her” that women actually like.

The majority of the details of this Swarovski crystal encrusted smartwatch will be released at Baselworld.

At the moment, not much has been shared about the Swarovski smartwatch. It’s assumed that the companies are hanging on to this information until the official unveiling this year at Switzerland’s Baselworld.

Swarovski smartwatch - Image of Swarovski WatchThat said, a teaser about the wearable technology was revealed at CES 2017 by Qualcomm and Swarovski. Despite the tiny number of details, it has drawn considerable attention.

This will be the first Swarovski smartwatch in the hopes of targeting the female market.

Swarovski has previously worked with Huawei and Misfit to create devices for women. For instance, its crystals can be found on the Huawei Watch Ladies. That said, this is the brand’s first actual smartwatch in which it has partnered, not just added sparkle to another company’s product.

While it’s known that the wearable tech will use a Qualcomm processor, it hasn’t yet been confirmed whether or not it will be in the form of Snapdragon 835. That version was only just recently announced. There have also been guesses about whether or not it will involve an updated version of the Wear 2100 and if it will be unveiled at the Mobile World Congress.

Android Wear 2.0 has, after all, just been released as the first major revamping of the wearable device operating system from Google. That tech giant is clearly making some new moves in the wearable technology market as very few devices were launched with Android Wear in 2016. Moreover, the smartwatch market as a whole isn’t just performing below expectations. It is actually on the decline.

Still, Google remains optimistic and is believed to have its own devices to launch along with Android Wear 2.0. This could mean that the Swarovski smartwatch may be far from the only wearable device using an Android Wear operating system this year. It has yet to be seen whether it will be powerful enough to change the direction of the wearables market as a whole.