Author: Editor

Can Wearable Technology Affect Mobile Commerce?

One of the most attractive aspects of mobile commerce is its convenience. Smartphones and tablets let people make payments for goods and services wherever they happen to be at any given moment, and these people don’t even have to use a credit card or any kind of physical currency. Many mobile commerce platforms have been able to thrive because of their convenient nature. In the advent of wearable technology, that convenience could be taken to a new level.

Wearable devices, such as smart watches and glasses are on the verge of becoming quite popular with tech-savvy consumers. Few of these devices are currently available, but that is likely to change in the next few years. Current wearable devices are somewhat lackluster in their features, but devices being released in the near future will behave very similar to modern smartphones. They will be able to use a wide range of applications, some of which will change the way people see the physical world around them. They will also have access to mobile commerce platforms.

smartwatch wearable technologyUnlike smartphones, wearable devices will be controlled in a more intuitive way. For smart glasses, voice controls and modest head and eye movements will be used to activate the features of a device. These devices will also be equipped with image recognition technology that could also be used to activate certain features. This could make commerce significantly more intuitive and responsive to consumer interaction. When someone can look at a product and make a purchase with nothing more than a blink of an eye, that is the epitome of convenience in the mobile commerce space.

Wearable devices aren’t perfect, of course. Using a simple gesture to make a purchase could lead to many problems, such as unauthorized transactions. This is not something that app developers are unaware of, and many are taking steps to ensure that their mobile commerce platforms will not be abusive in this way.

Wearable Technology and the Pocket Watch

Wearable technology is quickly attracting attention from people all over the world, but not necessarily the good kind of attention. Many people are criticizing wearable devices because they look unappealing and clumsy. Fashion plays a very integral role to wearable technology, as people will not wear something on their face or body if it looks foolish, no matter how useful that particular thing may be. Wearable devices have been around for centuries, however, and they often go through trends where they are considered ugly by those that would eventually use them.

The pocket watch was the world’s first piece of wearable technology. Clocks began to change the way people perceive time and conduct their daily lives during the medieval period and the technology to keep time quickly evolved into something that people could take with them. When pocket watches first began showing up, they were criticized as being somewhat useless because of the existence of normal, stationary clocks. Over time, however, these watches became a fashion symbol and etched out their place in society. Today, these watches retain some degree of social importance and are often given as gifts.

Wearable technology - pocket watchPocket watches eventually turned into wristwatches, which were also criticized as being somewhat useless and unattractive. During World War I, soldiers began using wristwatches to coordinate attacks in a new way, using time to measure assaults. Suddenly, these wearable gadgets became more popular and the criticism directed at them and became very popular among people throughout the world. Even today, wristwatches are considered to be some of the most fashionable accessories in the world, especially among men.

Watches may not be electronic technology, but the challenges that wearable devices are facing today is almost identical to that which watches experienced in the past. Modern wearable technology may only have modest usefulness, but these devices are likely to become very popular as they begin to be considered fashionable. Being accepted as an attractive accessory could solidify the place that these devices hold in society.