Tag: yahoo mobile marketing

Mobile marketing in India performs best when informative and creative

A study conducted by Yahoo! has shown that Indian consumers have a specific ad preference.

According to a survey by Yahoo!, which was performed in conjunction with the Mindshare online and mobile marketing, and global media services firm, smartphone and tablet owners in India find ads more appealing when they are eye catching in a creative way, when they are informative, and when they feel that they enhance their social position.

The survey, entitled “Getting Mobile Right” also revealed that Indian consumers are keen news consumers.

According to the report on the results of the mobile marketing survey, “Sixty seven percent of the respondents desire ads that allow for creative expression, while 61 percent prefer advertisements that enhances their social standing.” Furthermore, 60 percent of the participants in the survey stated that they have a preference for advertisements that can be shared with family and friends. An additional 58 percent preferred the ads that gave them something interesting to discuss with others.

The mobile marketing research also indicated that both smartphone and tablet users especially enjoy political news.

India - Mobile MarketingThough they do enjoy news content, as a whole, it is political news that was revealed as the most interesting to the participants in the mobile marketing study. The survey was conducted throughout July and August and involved 504 respondents who were smartphone users, and 101 who were tablet users. The participants resided in Bangalore, Delhi, and Mumbai.

According to David Jeffs, the head of insights in India and South-East Asia at Yahoo!, “Given the mobile growth in India, the potential for brands to engage with their consumers via smart devices is tremendous.”

The purpose of the mobile marketing study was to gain greater insight into the behavior of smartphone and tablet using consumers. It investigated their content and ad preferences and the ways in which their habits change throughout the length of the day. They also looked into the way that the changes in their behaviors alter the way that their devices are being used and what they are consuming while they use those devices at those different times of day, explained Jeffs.

Yahoo may see major gains through mobile marketing

Yahoo Mobile MarketingMobile marketing may help Yahoo find more growth

Yahoo has released a report concerning its first quarter earnings of 2013. The report has been highly anticipated among investors due to the promises that have been levied by CEO Marissa Mayer. Mayer was installed as Yahoo CEO in July 2012, but she recently announced plans to renovate the company’s core business by introducing a series of changes, some of which have proven controversial, such as an aggressive ban on telecommuting to work. The report highlights several areas where Yahoo has found success, especially in regards to mobile marketing.

Mayer takes aim at mobile

Mayer has been working to transform Yahoo into a powerful company that could become an essential hub to the online world. Part of the CEO’s initiative is focused on the mobile world, hoping to engage the growing number of consumers that are becoming tethered to mobile devices. To this end, Yahoo has begun putting more focus on mobile marketing, offering better advertising opportunities on its mobile platforms while also working to monetize these platforms more effectively. Mayer’s efforts have been slow-going, but a new Yahoo may be taking shape.

Yahoo finds success on the mobile front

Last quarter, Yahoo posted the first revenue growth it had seen over the past four years, largely due to the revitalization of the company’s core business. This quarter is expected to present similar gains as Yahoo becomes more comfortable in the mobile space. Mobile marketing, in particular, has been growing more important to the advertising business as more consumers gain access to smartphones and tablets. These devices are becoming preferred media consumption platforms, directing a large number of consumers away from traditional PCs and other platforms. Consumers have shown that they are willing to engage in mobile marketing, adding value to mobile advertisements that are becoming more important to companies like Yahoo.

Mobile marketing expected to show strong results

Analysts are expected to dissect Yahoo’s quarterly report throughout the rest of this week. Mobile marketing, along with the companies various other endeavors, are expected to continue showing strong results, but whether these initiatives will provide Yahoo with the longstanding growth has yet to be seen.