Tag: verizon

Google Wallet continues to struggle in mobile commerce sector

Wallet has yet to find traction in mobile commerce

Google has been a big name in the mobile commerce space, but not necessarily a well-loved name. The company’s Wallet platform, which exists to facilitate mobile payments, has been the recipient of harsh criticism since its launch. The early days of Google Wallet were plagued by serious security issues that drove many consumers to other mobile commerce platforms. While these issues were ultimately resolved, Wallet experienced other hardships that made it unpopular with consumers, with companies like Verizon refusing to support the mobile commerce platform for various reasons.

Google continues to invest in Wallet platform

Google may have a strong interest in mobile commerce, but the company has not been able to find any significant traction in this sector. Google has invested more than $300 million into the Wallet platform, which also includes the acquisition of companies that had specialized in application development and mobile commerce. The company has also devoted more than 100 developers to focus solely on the Wallet platform. Despite this support, the Wallet has only seen 10 million downloads worldwide, a very low number in the mobile space.

Google Wallet - Mobile CommerceWallet fails to enthrall consumers

One of the reasons that Google Wallet has not become the dominating force in the mobile commerce space has to do with U.S. telecommunications companies. Few of these companies are interested in supporting the Wallet due to the other alternatives that are available. Lack of support means less exposure with consumers, which means that fewer people even know that Google Wallet exists. In the case of Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile, these companies have teamed together to launch their own mobile commerce platform called Isis, which has thus far proven to be somewhat more popular than the Wallet despite a very limited release.

Google may abandon Wallet platform, eventually

The Google Wallet was once considered by Google to be the key to mobile commerce success, but the platform has become a serious money sink for the company. It is uncertain how long Google will continue to devote money to the Wallet platform, but the company has not yet shown any signs of abandoning its mobile commerce endeavors.

Verizon Wireless claims to not restrict customer access to Google


Google Wallet Mobile Payments Verizon Wireless IssueVerizon Wireless facing accusations of baring access to Google Wallet

Verizon Wireless has been making a name for itself in the realm of mobile commerce through the Isis platform. The company has been getting attention in the mobile commerce space for more than its participation in the Isis venture, however. Rumors have been circulating concerning the company’s restrictions concerning Google Wallet. According to these rumors, Verizon Wireless has barred all customers from accessing Google’s own mobile commerce platform. The telecommunications giant, however, suggests that this is not the case.

Company files report to the FCC

Verizon Wireless has delivered a report to the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, which regulations domestic and international communications via radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable. In its report, Verizon Wireless claims that it has not taken any steps to restrict access to Google Wallet. The allegations concernng the company’s restrictions are likely linked to a problem with Google Wallet itself, rather than any action that Verizon Wireless has made.

Problems may lie with Google Wallet itself

Earlier this year, Verizon began releasing NFC-enabled smart phones to the market. At the time these devices were released, Google Wallet was not ready to be made available on these platform. This quickly changed, however, as Google pushed for inclusion into the Verizon Wireless network, making the Wallet application compatible with the company’s latest  mobile devices. Problems began emerging as consumers found that they were unable to use Google Wallet, even though it was completely compatible with the device they purchased from Verizon Wireless.

Verizon suggests Google Wallet has yet to be approved for its security features

Verizon claims that the problem lies in the fact that Google has done little to gain approval for its mobile commerce application in terms of security. Verizon Wireless notes that Google Wallet’s security features require that it be approved by the company before it can be made widely available to customers. The company claims that Google is already well aware of this necessity, but that the technology giant has not yet sought approval for its mobile commerce platform.