Tag: spain

Mobile commerce is making major progress in Europe

Report shows that Europe has become a hotbed for mobile payment and shopping activity

Idealo, a price comparison service based in Germany, has released a new report that highlights mobile commerce in Europe. The report has compiled information from 50 of Idealo’s partners across 6 European countries. The information involves mobile site traffic, the design of mobile shopping sites and applications, and the use of mobile commerce applications. The report shows that the United Kingdom, in particular, is seeing a great deal of activity when it comes to mobile shopping and payments.

United Kingdom leads the way in mobile shopping, with many retailers offering mobile-centric services and support

The report suggests that consumers in the United Kingdom have the greatest advantage when it comes to mobile commerce. Some 86% of shops in the country support mobile payments in some way, either physically or digitally. Many of these stores have websites that are optimized for mobile use and offer mobile applications that offer rewards to those that use them regularly. As such, the United Kingdom is leading the way in mobile commerce activity.

Other European countries fall behind due to the slow adoption of mobile commerce among retailers

France and Spain are also seeing a great deal of activity in their mobile space. Approximately 74% of the retailers in both countries are supporting mobile shopping. In other European countries, such as Germany, Italy, and Poland, mobile shopping is not yet fully supported. Some retailers have been slow to embrace the concept of mobile commerce because of concerns regarding security or the belief that mobile shopping is nothing more than a novelty that will loss popularity in time.

Despite progress, the mobile shopping space is still faced with many challenges that could be difficult to overcome

While mobile commerce is making progress in Europe, there are still many challenges to overcome. One of the most significant challenges has to do with how mobile websites are built. These websites are vital to engaging mobile consumers, but few retailers are designing responsive sites that provide consumers with a favorable experience. A poor experience can drive people away from mobile commerce.

New mobile commerce platform launches in Spain

Yaap introduces new mobile platform that aims to bring more convenience to online shopping

Yaap, a joint venture from CaixaBank, Banco Santader, and Telefonica, has launched a new mobile commerce platform that is designed to give consumers direct access to merchant offers. Using the platform, which is called Yaap Shopping, consumers will be able to automatically redeem special offers when purchasing products from their mobile device. This is meant to bring more convenience to the mobile shopping realm, which may make the platform more attractive to consumers.

Convenience determines whether or not mobile platforms are successful among consumers that favor online shopping

Convenience is in high demand among mobile consumers. People want to be able to easily use their smartphones and tablets to purchase products online. Convenient services are often rewarded with long lasting consumer support, while those that are difficult and cumbersome to use are typically forgotten within a matter of weeks. Mobile commerce is an incredibly competitive sector, so businesses are constantly working to introduce platforms that take convenience into account when engaging consumers.

Yaap Shopping platform aims to provide consumers with access to direct and discounts and special product deals

Yaap Shopping aims to unify tens of thousands of businesses throughout Spain. The platform is designed to make these businesses immediately accessible to consumers and supports any Visa and MasterCard card that is linked to the platform itself. The offers that are accessible through the platform are direct discounts being offered by merchants and product offers that promote specific brands and the merchandise they are responsible for.

Yaap introduces cloud-based technology to Spain’s prominent banks

Yaap has incorporated its mobile payments technology into every point-of-sale system coming from Banco Santader and CaixaBank throughout the country. These systems are now making use of Yaap’s cloud-based engine that is responsible for accessing consumer financial information. This technology also keeps track of consumer shopping behavior, making it easier for the Yaap Shopping platform to provide consumers with special deals that are being offered by the merchants that they favor. The system is designed to apply discounts automatically at the time of purchase.

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