Tag: smartphone advertising

Despite lack of tools mobile marketing budgets spike in 2014

Even though the solutions currently available aren’t meeting expectations, marketers and brands are still spending.

Recent studies and reports are showing that while brands and companies aren’t yet entirely impressed with the tools that mobile marketing vendors have to offer, they are still raising the size of their budgets for this channel.

The B2B budgets geared toward mobile advertising and promotions will rise 11 percent in the next 6 months.

Moreover, when it comes to the mobile marketing budgets for the next full year, it is expected that there will be an increase of 17.5 percent, according to a VentureBeat Insight Report. That said, while this represents an exceptionally healthy growth in terms of budget size and predicted spending, the reports are still showing that companies are not yet sold on the types of tools that they have available to them through vendors in this category.

This recent mobile marketing data shows that there are considerable problems holding this channel back.

Mobile Marketing Budgets up in 2014The solutions that companies are actually seeking simply are not yet available. Among the largest struggles that are holding B2B mobile advertising back have to do with a lack of integration and support in the overall marketing technology tools that they are already using on a regular basis. The report showed that nearly 40 percent of the respondents said that the primary problem had to do specifically with the marketing software tool makers.

The second most important problem was identified as being the lack of complete understanding of marketing professionals of the mobile sphere and how to best take advantage of what it has to offer. This is not a new discovery, as the channel has been evolving exceptionally rapidly despite the fact that it is still in a very young phase of its life.

Other struggles that are faced by those attempting to use mobile marketing include a lack of budget to dedicate to this channel. Surprisingly, there remained a group representing 15 percent of businesses that still don’t even believe that the channel is effective at all. This, despite the fact that the vast majority of brands are now either already using it or are planning to use it within the not too distant future.

Mobile marketing data continues to fall short of advertiser needs

A new study has found that this is harming confidence levels and is likely holding back the channel.

Acxion, an enterprise data and analytics company, and 4INFO, a mobile marketing ad tech business, have collaborated on a joint study for which they have produced the “Master Mobile Measurement to Unleash True Cross-Channel Advertising” report to reveal their findings.

The two firms commissioned the study, which was then conducted by well respected Forrester Consulting.

The research looked into a common perception that exists in the mobile marketing industry, which is that marketers do not have the level of confidence that is necessary to truly launch an effective cross-channel ad program and to then be able to measure and understand the true value of that program in order to justify investing more into similar efforts. The report determined that if measurement and analytics capabilities could be improved, it would make a vast difference in the investments and executions with regards to both mobile and cross-channel campaigns among businesses in the United States.

Firms are keen to enter into more mobile marketing but do not yet have the capability of doing so with confidence.

Mobile Marketing studyAs smartphones and tablets have become extremely commonplace among consumers, and as those shoppers are increasingly turning to mobile commerce channels in order to research products, read reviews, shop for the best prices, find discounts and special offers, and even make purchases, marketers are finding that despite the fact that they want to reach out to consumers over this channel, they don’t yet have the ability to do so with any confidence. The current standard technology does not yet provide adequate data to convince marketers that mobile ads will be able to offer them adequate return on investment (ROI) to justify spending more on the channel or pursuing it with any greater effort. The report showed that 93 percent of the marketers that participated in the survey stated that they would have been willing to launch a larger number of cross-channel campaigns in 2014 if they’d had the capability of effectively measuring the performance of those combined online, offline, and mobile marketing strategies.