Tag: seo

Google aims to make mobile SEO mandatory

Google to make major changes to mobile SEO

The world is growing increasingly mobile-centric and Google is more aware of this fact than most others. Google has high hopes for the mobile space, and not just because of its Android mobile operating system. The company has tied itself to the emerging mobile commerce field and has also been putting significantly more focus on mobile advertising. Google is keen to ensure that mobile consumers can experience digital content in the best way possible, so it has determined that all mobile sites will have to adhere to the company’s standards if they want to be seen on the search engine.

SEO continues love-hate relationship with Google

Search engine optimization has been a somewhat controversial topic for Google. On one hand, Google is unsupportive of so called SEO techniques because they are meant to circumvent the search engine’s algorithms. In the past, Google has suggested that SEO is little more than a way for poor content to find its way on the search engine. On the other hand, however, Google has been somewhat supportive of SEO practices in the mobile space. A SEO Melbourne expert has told us that the company now even offers best practice recommendations when it comes to mobile SEO.

Google aims to make mobile SEO mandatory

SEO recommendations will be mandatory in near future

The recommendations that Google offers will soon become mandatory as the company works to ensure that mobile content can become more accessible to the consumers it is designed for. This means that retailers and other businesses that have mobile sites will have to make significant changes to their websites in order to keep their spot on Google’s search engine index. New algorithms are being introduced to the search engine to ensure that mobile sites are actually able to be accessed through mobile devices. Sites that do not meet Google’s standards will not be listed in the search engine.

Google aims to create a better experience for all mobile consumers

This initiative is not directly tied to any of Google’s other ventures in the mobile space. The company has invested heavily in mobile commerce and other sectors, but has seen the problems that exist with websites and services that are not optimized for mobile use. These sites and services tend to provide consumers with a poor experience, which serves to determine whether or not they will participate in other mobile sectors, such as mobile commerce.

Mobile commerce growing quickly in the UK

Mobile Commer UK GrowthMobile commerce moving with blinding speed throughout the UK

Mobile commerce has become one of the fastest growing sectors in the United Kingdom. The advent of this sector has had a powerful impact on website traffic across several industries, such as retail. More consumers have been turning to their mobile devices to make purchase online, which are done through e-commerce sites, and this trend is no longer going beyond the notice of advertisers, according to a report from Econsultancy, a leading market research firm.

Advertisers may begin shifting focus to mobile commerce

Advertisers in the United Kingdom are becoming increasingly aware of the prospects of mobile commerce. Econsultancy notes that approximately 58% of the country’s population owns a smart phone, with 19% owning a tablet of some kind. This presents a major opportunity for marketers to engage a massive demographic of consumers that have only seen mild engagement through mobile marketing initiatives. Focus on mobile commerce may be the key to reaching these consumers in an effective way.

E-commerce sites may present a good opportunity for marketers

According to Econsultancy, mobile commerce in the United Kingdom grew by 300% between 2011 and 2012. Tablet owners seem to be the most interested in mobile commerce, with 69% of these people making purchases from their tablet devices each month throughout the country. Marketers have an opportunity to engage these consumers if they begin to shift focus toward e-commerce sites, many of which are currently lacking in terms of marketing clout and search engine optimization (SEO).

Mobile optimization is important for e-commerce sites

SEO.org.uk, a marketing specialist based in the United Kingdom, notes that e-commerce sites will need to take their mobile compatibility into account if they want to continue seeing success in the changing world of commerce. Sites that are not optimized to be viewed on a mobile device are becoming an increasingly dubious liability, as more people are using their mobile devices to shop and purchase products. The firm also notes that looking into SEO strategies to reach a wider audience may be a good decision if companies want to stand out from the competition.