Research has shown that people are on the internet a great deal more due to their smartphones and tablets.

Canadians are becoming increasingly hooked on their smartphones and tablets, and are streaming video on a more regular basis, and these mobile trends are causing the amount of time spent online to nearly double.

This is according to some of the most recent data that has been released by comScore.

Since August, there were around 27.8 million Canadian adults who were using a computer of some form to access the internet. The average amount of time spent browsing the web every month over a laptop or desktop computer was close to 39 hours per month. However, when mobile trends are taken into consideration, the use of those smaller stream devices, combined with viewing video online spikes the amount of time spent online to almost 75 hours per month. This is the equivalent to approximately 2.5 hours every day.

comScore has found that there has been tremendous growth as a result of video and mobile trends.

According to Bryan Segal, the vice president of sales at comScore, “We’re seeing extremely large growth.” He added that “It really points to the fact of how much impact – in terms of engagement and time spent – that mobile is having on what we traditionally looked at as a PC world.”

He pointed out that Canadians between the ages of 25 and 34 years old were found to be the ones who spent the largest amount of time online. The average time spent on the internet for people within that age group was about 110 hours per month. This included time spent online on all of their connected devices. That said, of those hours, only about 50 of them were actually spent browsing the web on a computer.

In the age group of 55 years and up saw different mobile trends. comScore found that Canadians were spending only about 20 hours online per month on mobile devices or streaming video on any type of connected gadget or computer. The majority of online usage from that age group was dedicated to browsing the web through the use of a computer.