Tag: mobile security news

New mobile security guidelines introduced by PCI Security

New Mobile Security GuidelinesPCI Security publishes guidelines for mobile security

The PCI Security Standards Council, a global forum for the development of payment security standards, has published new guidelines to help educate the world’s merchants on the issue of mobile security and how it relates to mobile commerce. Consumers have been growing more interested in mobile payments in recent years, creating significant demand for merchants to adopt mobile commerce systems. As these merchants become more accommodating of consumer demand, security is becoming an increasingly important issue.

Guidelines expected to help merchants make mobile commerce more secure

The new guidelines from PCI Security are meant to help merchants understand the complexities that exist in the world of mobile security. The guidelines may help merchants better protect their customers as they become more accepting of mobile commerce. PCI Security has put strong focus on mobile transactions that make use of payment card data, rather than transactions made directly through a bank account. Connecting a payment card to a mobile device is becoming more common, as consumers consider this a more convenient and secure way to participate in mobile commerce.

Mobile security will help secure growth of mobile commerce market

According to a recent study from Juniper Research, a leading market research firm, mobile transactions are expected to reach $1.3 trillion globally by 2015. This is four times higher than the current level of mobile transactions volume. The firm suggests that this steep increase in mobile commerce is due to businesses becoming more interested in ensuring they can accommodate the needs of mobile consumers. In order for this growth to become a reality, however, businesses will have to adopt better security features to protect consumers.

Evolving threats may make it difficult to ensure security

Mobile security continues to be a major area of concern in the realm of mobile commerce. PCI Security’s new guidelines are expected to help merchants adopt better security standards for their payment systems, but the constantly changing security landscape may make it difficult for businesses to stay up-to-speed with the most current threats that exist in the mobile space.

Mobile security becoming too important to ignore

Mobile Security platformMcAfee report highlights risky applications and their impact on mobile security

Mobile applications are universally popular among mobile consumers. Nearly everyone that has a smart phone or tablet makes use of applications in some way, whether they be for browsing the Internet or checking email. Most of these applications are unassuming, offering simple services for literally nothing in return. A growing number of applications are becoming less altruistic, however, according to McAfee Labs, a leading security analysis firm. The firm has released its latest Mobile Security: McAfee Consumer Trends Report, detailing a troubling trend that has emerged in the mobile world.

Malicious apps find their way onto trusted marketplaces

McAfee notes that mobile platforms have become very attractive to hackers and other malicious groups that can exploit a person’s personal information. While applications have made the lives of consumers easier, they have also opened these consumers up to new threats that go mostly unnoticed. According to McAfee, more applications are being introduced to markets that contain multi-faceted scams, black market crimes, imbedded malware, and other threats. A significant number of these applications are finding their way to popular app stores, successfully sidestepping the security features that are meant to keep these marketplaces safe.

Education may be part of the problem

Education — or lack thereof — is part of the problem, according to McAfee. While many consumers have become more aware of the threats that exist in the world of mobile security, few understand exactly what these threats mean. Fewer still take steps to adequately protect themselves from these threats. Many consumers rely on large companies like Apple and Google to protect them from malicious attacks through various mobile security services offered by these companies, but the growing complexity and aggressiveness of these attacks is making it nearly impossible for such companies to stave off threats on their own.

Google Play reportedly falling prey to malicious groups

McAfee claims that hackers go through extraordinary efforts in order to insert their malicious application into trusted applications markets like Google Play. The firm notes that 75% of its McAfee Mobile users downloaded such applications from Google Play specifically. While Google regularly removes thousands of these applications from its marketplace, thousands more replace these applications on a nearly daily basis, making it difficult for Google to make significant headway concerning mobile security.