Tag: mobile security news

Mobile payments draw attention to growing security concerns

Mobile Payments Security ConcernsMobile payments grow, and so too do security worries

Mobile payments are on the rise all over the world. More consumers are getting their hands on smartphones and tablets, allowing them to shop and purchase products online with nothing more than their mobile device and their financial information. Mobile commerce services are expanding, providing the infrastructure necessary to facilitate a new form of commerce among a wide range of consumers. As mobile payments become more common, they are attracting the attention of more than just consumers and businesses. Hackers are beginning to consider mobile commerce a very lucrative playground, and the growth of mobile payments is highlighting the security concerns that exist in this emerging field.

Mobile commerce may yet be vulnerable to threats

The mobile commerce field has successfully attracted several large companies, many of whom have investing in improving the technology used in the field. As the technology that forms the foundation for mobile payments improved, it becomes easier for consumers to make payments directly from the smartphone of tablets. Many of the technological updates have been focused on making mobile commerce more accessible to consumers, however, and not necessarily more secure. This has left many gaps in protection that could be exploited by malicious parties.

Malware targeting mobile commerce field is becoming more common

NQ Mobile, a leading developer of mobile security software, notes that more than 65,000 new malware threats were exposed throughout the world in 2012.  Much of this malware was designed to simply gain access to a mobile device and exploit its information in some way. A significant portion of these threats, which posed as unassuming and docile mobile applications, were designed specifically to steal a consumers financial information when they participated in mobile commerce in some way. NQ Mobile claims that the problem is serious and growing to become a major crisis if measures are not taken to address the issue of malware in the mobile commerce field.

Awareness of mobile security currently lacking among consumers

Mobile security is currently one of the largest challenges facing mobile payments today. Many consumers have shown that they are willing to purchase products, shop, or pay their bills with a mobile device, but relatively few actually do so due to concerns regarding the security of their information. There are several brands of security applications available to help protect mobile devices from malware that would exploit a consumer’s financial information, but awareness of these applications is still somewhat low among many mobile consumers.

Mobile security market expected to boom in coming years

Hacker Mobile SecurityMobile security is becoming more important

Security has become one of the most important aspects of the digital world. Much of the modern world has some tie to the Internet or otherwise relies heavily on technology that draws resources from the digital world. Because of this, security has become a top priority, especially as hackers and some malicious parties become more popular. IDC, a leading research firm, suggests that security is on the verge of becoming a very lucrative market, especially in the mobile space. Mobile security has become a major concern for many businesses and consumers over the past few years.

Hackers represent a new breed of thief

There are threats that exist in the digital world that are very unlike those that exist in the physical world. In the physical world, a criminal can steal physical properties, with varying degrees of success. In the digital world, however, there are no physical properties. Instead of stealing a purse or a mobile device, a hacker can steal something much more valuable: Information. Financial information, in particular, is highly prized among so called cybercriminals. As more consumers come to rely on their mobile devices to traffic such information, mobile security is becoming more important.

Security market expected to hit $870 million by 2017

According to IDC, the global market for security solutions will reach $870 million by 2017. Mobile security, in particular, is expected to be a powerful force in the security market. Hackers and other groups are beginning to focus more intently on the mobile space, largely due to the amount and kind of information that can be found on a mobile device. Until very recently, mobile security had not been an issue for consumers or businesses. This has left the mobile space with limited options regarding security and with lackluster awareness concerning the threats that exist in the digital world.

Awareness may be a significant problem for mobile security

Awareness is perhaps one of the greatest challenges currently facing the realm of mobile security. Many consumers know that threats exist in the cyber world, but not how they can protect themselves. Moreover, many consumers consider themselves invulnerable to these threats or think that their mobile device is too advanced to be susceptible to malicious attacks. Without appropriate awareness concerning mobile security, many consumers may be exposing themselves to significant risks.