Tag: mobile gaming technology

Kapitall documents the rise of mobile gaming

Mobile Gaming growthKapitall analysis highlights the growth of mobile gaming over the years

Mobile gaming may soon become the dominating force in the game industry. Kapitall, an online investment platform, has been tracking the decline of traditional console gaming and the sale of physical gaming products. As sales continue to drop, they are being replaced by sales made through digital platforms, such a Steam and Gamestop. Game developers that focus solely on mobile gaming, such as Glue Mobile and Zynga, are also seeing significant gains as traditional platforms begin to wane.

Retails sales dropping off for consoles and games

According to Kapitall, retail game sales have dropped by 25% year-to-date, while console sales have plummeted by 30% year over year. A volatile economic climate is to blame to some degree, but so too is the retail price of most video games, which can range from $30 to $60, depending on the publisher of the game. Mobile gaming is faring much better, largely due to the fact that most mobile games are very inexpensive, with many being completely free.

Mobile gaming accounts for only a fraction of the entire market

Despite the strong advent of mobile gaming, however, mobile games account for only a fraction of the overall market. Digital downloads of games developed for consoles and PCs are strong and continue to gain momentum as more consumers show favor for online shopping over traditional forms of commerce. For these people, online shopping is simply more convenient and does not actually mean they are spending less on games, only that they do not have to pick them up from a physical store.

Gamers still willing to shell out money for console and PC games

Kapitall notes that gamers are not likely to abandon consoles in favor of mobile gaming. Mobile games typically offer a very shallow, linear experience that is designed around repetition rather than in-depth gameplay. As such, titles from companies like Electronic Arts, THQ, and Ubisoft are likely to continue selling well, even if those sales are not actually physical.

Valve developing augmented reality system


Valve reveals work on augmented reality headset

Acclaimed game developer Valve has held a strong presence in the gaming industry for several years. The company is well known for its innovative products and creative approach to gaming. Recently, Valve began looking to bolster its ranks with fresh hardware developers that were to work on a new project. This project has been shrouded in secrecy for some time, but a profile of Valve from the New York Times has shed some light on the project.

Developer interested in changing the way people experience games

Valve has been working to develop a new augmented reality headset. While this may come as a surprise to some, Valve has long believed that augmented reality, as well as other interactive technologies, could be the future of gaming. The company has taken a page from Google and has created a pair of augmented reality glasses that will be used in its “wearable computing” project. The developer’s interest in augmented reality seems to be born of frustration concerning the rate of progress being seen in computer technology and how games are limited to this technology.

Augmented reality continues to gain favor throughout the gaming industry

Augmented reality gaming is becoming more popular as more people become exposed to it. The vast majority of games that make use of augmented reality can be found on mobile platforms, such as smart phones and tablets. This has made the games accessible to a large portion of consumers, as mobile technology is exceedingly popular. Valve believes that people’s exposure to augmented reality has prepared them for a new generation of technology that makes use of the software.

Valve project may unlock new possibilities in gaming

Valve is keeping the details of its augmented reality project secret for the time being. The developer has not released an estimated time in which its project will be available to consumers. When it does see commercial launch, however, Valve’s augmented reality project may help usher in a new generation of gaming and help revolutionize the game industry as a whole.

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