Tag: mobile application

Bitcoin app allowed back by Apple after policy reversal

This has opened up the opportunity for iPhone users to be able to send and receive the virtual currency.

Apple has now made the decision to allow the Bitcoin app back into its store so that iPhone users will be able to join Android smartphone owners in being able to send and receive this virtual currency through the use of their devices.

Until this change was made, the ability to make the transactions was limited to Android devices.

While the Google Play store has long been permitting mobile application developers to create smartphone Bitcoin app wallets so that device users can make exchanges of that alternative currency, Apple has blocked it from its own App store. That has meant that if iPhone users wanted to take their Bitcoins with them wherever they went, they were simply out of luck.

This blockage of the Bitcoin app created a considerable uproar that looked as though it was being ignored.

Bitcoin appClearly, this was not the case. The objections did not fall on deaf ears, and Apple has now reversed its policy to block the currency and is now allowing mobile wallet apps that allow it to be transmitted, provided that they comply with the law. Apple has long appeared to be working against cryptocurrencies as it has blocked the applications of several different forms, beyond Bitcoin. Altcoin also found its wallets stopped.

It is clear that Apple was not necessarily against the cryptocurrency, as it still allowed a range of applications that had to do with them, such as price tickers and news feeds. However, the company’s policies stated that the wallets would not be allowed if they facilitated the sending and receiving of those digital funds. It has been assumed that they were attempting to avoid stepping into the field of government monetary regulations.

Now, the regulatory guidelines have been changed at Apple, so that they now include a provision regarding developers seeking to create a Bitcoin app that will allow its users to send or receive this form of digital payment (most commonly in the form of a wallet). The revised guidelines are located in section 11.17.

Mobile technology pitch made by Intel to Android developers

The chipmaker made a powerful call to app development companies to underscore its intentions in the market.

Recently in Boston, at the AnDevCon, Intel reached out to Android developers, placing a greater focus on its own determination to expand the role that it currently plays within the mobile technology marketplace.

During the keynote speech from Jeff McVeigh, the company admitted mistakes in its early mobile strategy.

Jeff McVeigh, the developer products division at Intel’s general manager of performance, client, and visual computing, gave a keynote address in which he acknowledged that Intel had not taken the ideal path when it came to the creation of its initial mobile technology strategy. This included his own assumption that the majority of Android development would go on within the Dalvik virtual machine. The Dalvik is essentially an intermediary layer occurring between the Android system and applications, which converts apps into Dalvik executables, which are a format that mobile and other less powerful computing devices can run more easily.

The Android Native development kit’s mobile technology has since been used for many of the best performing apps.

This, despite the fact that Dalvik is still the Android development vehicle of choice. That said, when using the Android Native development kit (NDK), the intermediary is eliminated, making it quite appealing to developers.mobile technology creativity

McVeigh explained that “If you look at the top 2,000 apps on the Google Play Store today, only one-third of them are using Dalvik only.” He also pointed out that “The other two-thirds have some level of NDK; some level of optimized code that’s been polished to a specific architecture.”

Furthermore, he also pointed out that even though Android has quickly overtaken all of the other mobile operating systems and has established itself in a considerable lead of that market around the world, developers could still do themselves a disservice if they don’t make certain that they are accessible to those using other platforms, such as iOS and Windows Phone.

He explained that in order to truly reach the broadest base over mobile technology, Android cannot be the exclusive focus. “I need to be looking across platforms, across operating systems, and developing my applications to span that experience.”