Tag: mobile advertising

Mobile marketing strategies are lacking among many advertisers

A recent study conducted by Forrester revealed that this is the case despite knowing how important these campaigns are.

Though marketers are well aware of the importance of mobile marketing as a part of their overall strategy, only a small minority actually integrate this channel into their overall advertising mix, says Forrester.

In fact, in the research results, it showed that only 13 percent of marketers have strategically integrated mobile.

Because the mobile marketing strategies appear to be established in a way that leaves out a component that the marketers acknowledge as being highly important, it doesn’t come as much of a shock that Forrester reported that only 27 percent of marketers stated that their return on investment (ROI) for their campaigns was profitable. Equally, a massive 67 percent said they were unable to measure the ROI of their advertising.

Only 20 percent of the participants in this study said they had the budget they would require for mobile marketing initiatives.

Mobile Marketing - Research Most of the marketers who took part in the survey claimed that the resources they had available to them for focusing on mobile advertising were quite limited. Moreover, only 10 percent felt that their companies would be considered to be mobile savvy.

Many marketing firms supplement their capabilities for internal development. The Forrester research revealed that over half – 56 percent – were working with a number of other partners who could support the integration of mobile initiatives. These partners included everything from specialty vendors to agencies and platform providers.

The outcome has been that marketers are still trying to learn the ropes when it comes to how to use mobile marketing techniques, how they work, how they should be implemented and how their successes can be measured. With a lack of in-market mobile programs from which to learn and hone their skills, marketers are trapped in a trial and error phase and are incapable of demonstrating the level of expertise that would be necessary to lure execs, said the research. The report explained that marketers will need to create a solid business case and set aside an appropriate mobile budget to suit the current opportunity available.

Retailers take unique mobile marketing tack to engage consumers

Companies from Bloomingdale’s to Lowe’s are going in odd directions to try to grab the attention of younger shoppers.

Being able to attract the attention of shoppers in the Millennial generation and then actually engage them can be exceptionally challenging, forcing retailers to use mobile marketing in some rather strange ways in order to stand out.

These companies are discovering that smartphone ads aren’t necessarily about a message or a look.

Instead, mobile marketing success is all about relevance. Retailers have tried virtually everything in order to share a popular message or create an amazing look in their mobile ads. However, it’s not until they truly answer the question “what’s in it for me, personally?” that they appeal to the younger shopping generation. Shoppers need a solid reason to pay attention to a message and then to interact with it. Often, the most effective way to do this is through positivity and even humor.

All too frequently, mobile marketing comes across as something forced and constructed deliberately for popularity.

Retail Mobile MarketingWhen an advertising effort is too transparent as an effort to become something viral, the outcome feels awkward to the viewer and becomes ineffective. However, occasionally, it all comes together and the result can be highly effective. That is the moment that retailers would do just about anything to achieve; to be able to reach those young shoppers and successfully encourage them to act on the call to action.

Two retailers who have been using mobile advertising to reach out to the Millennial generation include Bloomingdales and Lowe’s. The way in which they have been engaging their target markets are extremely unique and very different from each other, while being highly effective.

Lowe’s is seeking to become the top resource for first-time home and apartment owners and came up with a campaign featuring some typical types of commercials, but what made it stand out is that each commercial was recorded in the same way while coming to a different ending. To complete the story, viewers must check it out at Lowes.com. Bloomingdales, on the other hand has fashion in mind and has come up with the Bloomoticon series of 64 emoticon-like images as their mobile marketing. Shoppers can then use those tiny images in order to send out social messages.