Tag: game industry news

Sony unveils ambitious mobile games console for homes

Mobile games are coming to the TV with the help of Sony

Acclaimed Japanese technology giant Sony has taken a bold step in the game industry by unveiling its new PS Vita TV, a small but powerful console based on the company’s modestly popular Playstation Vita. Unlike its handheld counterpart, the PS Vita TV does not feature a screen or any sort of controls. Instead, the console allows users to play games exclusive to the Vita on their televisions, without actually having to own a Vita console. This could set Sony up to compete with others that have been showing a strong interest in mobile games.

Game industry continues showing support for mobile titles

While mobile games are often played by consumers on the move, the vast majority of people playing these games do so from home. Smartphones and tablets are preferred platforms for many, but other handheld devices, such as the Playstation Vita and the Nintendo 3DS, have become a staple among gamers interested in portability. Recently, several game companies have been looking to take advantage of the popularity of mobile games by creating consoles that allow consumers to play these games on a bigger screen and with better controls. The Ouya is one of the most recent, as well as most criticized, console to attempt to accomplish this.

PS Vita TV to make Vita games more accessible

PS Vita TV will support all Vita games and will cost approximately $100 for the standard edition. While there are not many Vita games available today when compared to games exclusive to its handheld counterparts, these games typically receive high praise from the game industry and avid gamers. There are many developers interested in mobile games that are looking to bring new titles to the Vita as well and these future games will also be supported by PS Vita TV.

Mobile games continue to gain favor with consumers

When many people think of mobile games, they usually get the idea of gaming applications played on smartphones and tablets. Mobile games were common on handheld consoles long before smartphones were invented, however, and mobile gaming has evolved aggressively over the past decade. Today, consumers have become very comfortable with the concept of mobile gaming, which has encouraged the game industry to attribute more attention to this sector in recent years.

Mobile games market in China to reach new heights by end of year

China mobile games market to see strong growth

A new report from Niko Partners, a market research and analysis firm, shows that the Chinese mobile games market is slated to see strong growth this year. The report highlights the growing popularity of mobile games and makes use of data collected by more than 4,000 Chinese consumers and over 370 million smartphones. Many consumers have been showing strong interest in mobile games because of the convenient entertainment they offer and the fact that these games can be played anywhere and at any time.

Market to reach $1.3 billion by end of 2013

According to the report, China’s mobile games market is expected to reach $1.3 billion by the end of 2013, representing a compound annual growth rate of 46% from 2012 to 2017. The report notes that mobile games began growing in popularity among consumers in China during the latter months of 2012. This resulted in a decline in social online games on popular social media sites as well as games for PC platforms.

China Mobile Games GrowthAvailability of smartphones helps promote mobile games

Another factor contributing to the growing popularity of mobile games is the proliferation of smartphones. The report expects that more than 500 million smartphones will be active in the country by the end of 2013, up from the 100 million recorded in early 2012. Furthermore, China’s telecommunications companies are working to bolster the nation’s 3G connectivity network, providing consumers with faster and more reliable mobile Internet access. This allows them to take advantage of the features offered in social mobile games more effectively.

Market consolidation could lead to higher quality games

The report shows that there are more than 80,000 development studios in China that are currently working on mobile games. Approximately 100 mobile games are released in the country on a daily basis. While there are many different studios currently working on active titles, large studios are working to consolidate the market. In the coming years, many smaller studios are expected to be absorbed into their larger counterparts. This may mean fewer mobile games developed within the country, but it could also mean a higher level of quality for games produced by larger studios.