The top social network has recently released six new open source tools for application development.

Facebook has announced the release of six new open source projects to mobile app developers, as one of the latest components of their effort to spread the weight of application development with the goal of speeding up the creation of cutting edge solutions.

All of the new mobile development open source projects were announced at the same time at the 2015 F8 Conference.

They have been drawing a considerable amount of attention among the community of mobile app developers as many offer a notable opportunity. The online newsroom at the social network provided a brief summary of all six of the projects to provide app developers with a better look at what has now been made available to them.

The following are the open source projects that have been offered to mobile app developers by Facebook.

Mobile App Developers - New Tools• React Native – this is a native environments framework that gives app developers the chance to create high quality Android and iOS user interfaces without using WebView or a browser.

• ComponentKit – this is a native functional and declarative UI iOS library. React inspired its creation, and it is used within the Facebook app’s News Feed.

• Year Class and Connection Class – these two projects have been released in order to give mobile app developers the chance to intelligently segment through the use of network and device performance in real time.

• Fresco – this is a tool set that has been created for image manipulation and display specifically for the Android mobile app developer community.

• Nuclide – this is the only one of the open source projects that was announced as being open-sourced in the future, but that is not yet available in that form, at the moment. Facebook took the opportunity at F8 to demo the project, but not to actually make it openly available. It is meant to support Reactive Native, as well as Hack, and Flow, and it is IDE designed. It was developed alongside GitHub. Even though this one has not yet been open sourced, it holds enough potential that it is certainly worth watching in the future.