Tag: emarketer mobile marketing

Mobile marketing spending rises in first six months of 2013

During the first half of this year, digital ad spending has spiked when compared to last year.

The latest estimates regarding digital ad spending and mobile marketing for the first half of the year have now been released by Kantar Media, and they have shown that the figures have grown considerably over last year at the same time.

The total ad spend in the United States increased 2.0 percent across the market, year over year.

However, eMarketer also pointed out on Monday that “But Q2 2013 was notable for an even faster rate of increase, at 3.5% over Q2 2012”. This included the figures for not only mobile marketing, but all online advertising spending.

In the first half of 2013, the mobile marketing spending increased notably.

The report also indicated that beyond mobile marketing, digital display ads experienced an increase of 5.3 percent over the first half of the year. However, it is important to note that this particular statistic does not include those displayed over smartphones and tablets, and does not include the results that were seen over video.

Video and mobile marketing are the two areas in which the largest increases in investment have been recorded. In fact, it is indicated that the growth for each of those individual digital spending areas rose by a great deal more than the figure recorded for the increases in display only.

It did not come as much of a surprise to the authors of the report that retail remained in the lead of the spending for mobile marketing and digital ad spending. However, the overall digital ad growth (not including video and smartphone and tablet ads) in the second quarter of this year was quite small compared to a year beforehand, landing at only 0.1 percent growth this year.

The report added that the fastest rate of increase was in the telecom industry, where there was a rise of 19.5 percent. Insurance and restaurants were also seen as rapid growth categories for mobile marketing as well as digital ad spending, as they each achieved overall increases in spending in the double digit percentages. It was estimated by eMarketer that the total overall ad spending in the United States will see a growth of 3.6 percent in 2013.

Social media marketing revenues from Twitter predicted to break $300 million

The company will be tweeting its way all the way to the bank in 2013 with the most recent forecast.

eMarketer has released its most recent projections regarding the social media marketing revenue that will be generated by Twitter this year, as well as what its ad revenue will be in 2014.

According to these predictions, the forecasts for advertising spending at the network are on their way up.

According to eMarketer’s predictions, in 2013, the social media marketing at Twitter will earn $582.8 million globally. That said, by the end of next year, the global ad revenue at the social network will have increased to almost $1 billion.

This is considered to be a notable turnaround for Twitter and its social media marketing successes.

Until 2011, social media marketing had not been a lucrative enterprise for the microblogging platform, so this is a very meaningful achievement for Twitter to have made.

According to the report that was made by eMarketer, “Advertisers have shown more interest in spending money on mobile advertisements on Twitter, and as recent audience figures from multiple research sources analyzed by eMarketer have suggested Twitter’s reach is improving.” The company also stated that it believes that the social network has benefited from the growing mobile focus, when all is said and done.

When competitors such as Facebook and Google+ placed a massive concentration of their efforts and investments on the mobile channel, Twitter seems to have ridden that wave and has been able to enjoy the social media marketing benefits that it has brought along with it. Each of its primary competitors – which currently lead it in revenues as well as in the number of active members worldwide – have implemented a massive expansion of their mobile ad offerings.

These efforts from the competition have managed to convince social media marketing companies to move their spending to mobile. Through this, Twitter has been able to increase the ad revenues that it has been generating through advertising for companies that have already been convinced partly due to the investments of the competition. Now it is hoping to continue along this trend in order to nearly double its ad revenues before the end of next year.

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