The mobile design chief has now stepped aside following criticisms of the Galaxy S5 smartphone.

Some of the latest mobile technology news coming from Samsung has revealed that the company has accepted the resignation of Dong-hoon Chang, and that he will be replaced by the assistant head of his department, Min-hyouk Lee.

This resignation of the mobile design chief is in response to heavy criticism of the company’s flagship product.

The Samsung Galaxy S5 was expected to make outstanding mobile technology news, but since its release, it has been the recipient of a great deal of negative press. Consumers were disappointed by what they felt was a design that failed to impress. In fact, it rapidly became known as the “Band-Aid Phone”, as the plastic dimpling on the case of the device reminded people of the texture of the popular adhesive bandage product.

As the department that led to the generation of this negative mobile technology news, changes were expected.

Even beyond the performance of the device, the response that was generated by the appearance of the case was astounding and greatly negative. The front of the device is dominated primarily by the screen and looked like any other attractive and high quality smartphone. However, when the device was flipped over, the back revealed a look and texture that went against what people were expecting from Samsung’s latest flagship product. As this is a premium, high end device, this is the type of mistake that can be fatal to a design – and to the head of the design department’s job.

Even among those who didn’t find the case to be ugly, there wasn’t a great deal of enthusiasm expressed. With a price tag the size of that of the Galaxy S5, the attraction felt by consumers must be notably better than “adequate”.

Now that the mobile technology news of Chang’s resignation has been accepted, it looks as though the vice president of mobile design, Min-hyouk Lee, will be stepping up into the newly vacated top position. He has already played an extensive role in the original creation of the Galaxy series design that caused Apple’s iPhone to lose its massive dominance over the smartphone marketplace.