Tag: australia

Apple faces challenges in Australia’s mobile payments market

Banks may have serious concerns regarding Apple’s mobile payments service

Some of Australia’s major banks may have a problem with Apple and its new mobile payments service. According to a report from the Financial Review, banks have taken issue with the interchange fees associated with Apple, and if the problem persists, banks may begin looking for alternatives to Apple Pay, which are becoming more plentiful with each passing month. With Samsung and Google launching its own mobile payments services, Apple may have to work to satisfy banks in order to maintain its position in the mobile market.

Banks have no wish to provide Apple with significant fees on transactions being made

The crux of the issue between Apple and Australia’s major banks is $2 billion in interchange fees that the banks make every year. In the United States, it is estimated that Apple earns 15 cents for every $100 that is spent through Apple Pay. In Australia, however, banks are not willing to provide Apple with the cut of the fees that it is asking for. If this problem continues, Apple may have trouble establishing an effective foothold in the Australian market, where consumers are becoming very interested in mobile payments.

Australian banks may be ahead of the curve when it comes to mobile payments

Apple Australia mobile paymentsAccording to Ian Narev, CEO of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Apple Pay may face significant challenges in the country due to the existence of other mobile payments products. Narev suggests that many Australian banks are far ahead of others in the world when it comes to mobile payments services. As far as Apple Pay is concerned, there are other services in the country that have the same functionality as Apple’s service that have been available to consumers for 18 months or more.

Banks want Apple to help support the development of a new payments infrastructure

One of the major concerns that banks have concerning Apple Pay in Australia is that the Reserve Bank of Australia is forcing the country’s banks to help cover the cost of development a real-time payments infrastructure. Banks do not want Apple to benefit from the development of this infrastructure without investing into its establishment itself.

Security of mobile payments may no longer be a concern

Consumer sentiment regarding security of mobile payments has changed

The security of mobile payments may no longer be a serious concern for consumers, according to a recent study from MasterCard. The company released its third annual Mobile Payments Study, which is conducted in partnership with Prime Research, and found a significant shift in consumer sentiment concerning mobile payments. For years, consumers have been somewhat concerned about the security of payment platforms, but now they appear to be more interested in enhanced digital experiences on their mobile devices.

Consumers want to see better digital platforms that are more convenient and enjoyable

The study shows that in the Asia Pacific region, which is one of the fastest growing mobile payments markets, conversations regarding mobile transactions primarily took place in India, Japan, Australia, China, and Indonesia. Consumers took to social media sites to talk about the need for better digital experience, especially in the mobile shopping space. Notably, merchants are also finding more visibility by joining in on these conversations, which are providing them with insight into what consumers want to see from the mobile commerce space.

91% of conversations about security have been positive

Mobile Payments Security less of a concern among consumersAccording to the study, 91% of the conversations regarding the safety and security of mobile payments were favorable. This is a vast improvement over 2012, when 57% of the conversations about mobile commerce security were negative. Confusion regarding the security capabilities of mobile payments services has also diminished. People are now praising secure platforms and are using these platforms more regularly in order to shop online and in physical stores.

Consumers demand better digital experiences in order to enjoy mobile commerce more

Though security may no longer be a serious issue for consumers, they still want to see better digital platforms. Some retailers are lagging behind in terms of providing an enjoyable shopping experience for mobile consumers. As mobile payments begin playing a larger role in the retail space, this could become a problematic issue for merchants. Improving the digital experience could provide retailers with promising business opportunities.