Tag: asia mobile commerce

Report highlights mobile commerce in Asia

Asian markets show promise for mobile commerce

International market research firm yStats has released a new report concerning electronic and mobile commerce in Asia. Asian markets have become very attractive in terms of mobile commerce due to the rising adoption of smartphones and tablets. Consumers are becoming quite reliant on these devices and are showing enthusiasm when it comes to shopping online and making purchases directly from their devices. The report, titled “Asia B2C E-Commerce Report 2013,” aims to shed light on the evolution of commerce throughout Asia.

Internet access helps boost online sales

The report notes that Internet use in countries like Japan, China, and South Korea continues to rise at a rapid rate. As more consumers gain access to the Internet, they begin to shop online more frequently. The expansion of mobile networks is also giving consumers access to the Internet from their smartphones and tablets, exposing them to a wide range of mobile commerce services. Consumers in these countries have been showing favor for mobile shopping over more traditional forms of shopping. The report notes, however, that countries like Laos, Indonesia, Nepal, and India are falling behind when it comes to Internet access. While these countries can be considered valuable markets, the potential of mobile commerce in these countries is somewhat limited.

Asia Mobile CommerceJapan and China considered prominent markets for mobile commerce

Japan is currently considered one of the most promising markets when it comes to mobile commerce. Tech-savvy consumers often use their mobile devices for just about everything in Japan and it is becoming increasingly common for retailers to focus exclusively on those with mobile devices. China is also showing strong growth on the mobile commerce front as more people gain access to smartphones and tablets. In terms of e-commerce, China is expected to see a 30% increase in online sales by 2016.

Online sales in India account for less than 1% of retail sales

A rise in Internet use is often tied to an increase in online sales. In countries where Internet access can still be considered a luxury, online sales are quite low. In India, for example, online sales account for less than 1% of all retail sales. The country is still considered a promising market for mobile commerce, however, due to the fact that mobile technology is becoming much more common among consumers throughout the country.

Mobile payments show promise in Asia

Visa has high hopes for mobile payments in Asia

Visa has been showing a great deal of attention to the emerging mobile payments scene in Asia. The region has become one of the most active places in the world when it comes to mobile commerce, largely due to the aggressive steps that retailers are taking and the growing proliferation of smartphones and tablets. Visa is one among several financial service firms that have been working to establish a strong presence in the mobile payments sector of Asia and the company sees a great deal of promise in several of the markets located within this region.

Asian Pacific sees a great deal of mobile commerce activity

According to Visa, mobile payments are likely to thrive in markets where card payments are already very common. The company anticipates that mobile payments will see the most aggressive growth in Australia, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, which are quickly establishing themselves as hubs for ambitious mobile commerce projects located in the Asian Pacific. The company notes that Japan is also a likely place to see strong growth in mobile payments, due to the fact that many consumers in the country already use their mobile devices to purchase transit tickets.

Visa mobile payments in AsiaSecurity remains a problematic issue

Consumers that regularly use their mobile devices have shown a great deal of comfort when it comes to mobile commerce. These people have been able to acclimate to the idea of mobile payments more easily than those that do not use their smartphones and tablets on a regular basis. There are universal concerns that exist within this sector, of course, the most prominent of which happens to be security. The threat of financial information being stolen and exploited has proven to be a prohibitive issue to many consumers throughout the world.

Asia could present lucrative opportunities to mobile commerce firms

Visa is not solely focused on Asia with its mobile payments endeavors. The company is currently involved in various projects that are taking place around the world. Visa’s primary interest is to make consumers comfortable with mobile payments, but notes that there is a great deal of promise in Asian markets that could prove lucrative to those that manage to provide comprehensive mobile commerce services to the consumers that are demanding them.