Tag: amazon

Wal-Mart to take a swing at mobile commerce

Walmart mobile commerceWal-Mart has high hopes for mobile commerce

Wal-Mart is already considered the world’s largest retailer, but the company is eager to solidify its place as such by providing services that it claims no other retailer will be able to match. The retailer has plans to combine its 10,000 stores and 10 global e-commerce websites in order to develop a new platform that the company believes is more suitable for the modern consumer. The initiative is meant to make Wal-Mart the most powerful online retailer in the world and mobile commerce may be able to help the company achieve this goal.

Consumers begin to favor mobile commerce over traditional commerce

Mobile commerce has grown to become a very attractive concept throughout the world. The idea that a mobile devices, whether it be a smartphone or tablet, can be used to purchase goods or pay for services has become very alluring to consumers. This idea means that these people would not have to worry about physical currencies and could make a purchase with little more than a wave of their device or a tap of their finger. The convenience of mobile commerce is one of its most attractive features, especially to those that rely heavily on their mobile devices, and Wal-Mart believes that mobile commerce could help it dominate the online world.

Retailer to launch new initiative this summer

Wal-Mart has announced a plan to launch a pilot project this summer. This project involves allowing consumers to purchase products online and retrieve these products from lockers in physical Wal-Mart stores. This is similar to an initiative that was launched by Wal-Mart’s primary competitor, Amazon, where the online retailer would deliver purchased products to stores so that they could be picked up at a convenient time for consumers. This particular service will be somewhat accommodating to mobile consumers as the service will be optimized for use on mobile devices.

Retailer to update e-commerce platforms

Wal-Mart also has plans to renovate its e-commerce structure. Currently, the company’s online retail presence is based on old technological platforms. Many of these platforms are simply not designed to accommodate mobile traffic. As such, these platforms are often linked to poor performance on mobile devices. In an effort to better accommodate mobile commerce, Wal-Mart has plans to upgrade its e-commerce platforms.

Barnes & Noble wins top spot on Keynote Mobile Commerce Index

Barnes & Noble Mobile CommerceBarnes & Noble wins acclaims for simplistic approach to mobile commerce

Keynote, a leading Internet and mobile cloud testing and monitoring firm, has released the latest results of its Keynote Mobile Commerce Performance Index. The Index ranks companies based on their mobile commerce services and consumer engagement in e-commerce. Companies that offer accessible mobile commerce services to consumers generally earn the top spot on the Index. According to Keynote’s latest results, the top company in this regard is Barnes & Noble.

Simplicity may be the best approach

Barnes & Noble has managed to reach the top spot on the Keynote Index due to its very simplistic approach to mobile commerce. The company, which boasts of a strong online presence, offers services that are both easy-to-use and convenient for consumers that like to shop from their mobile devices. Other retailers tend to provide somewhat complicated services to consumers, which can make mobile commerce somewhat of a hassle for those wanting to purchase products from their mobile devices. Barnes & Noble, however, believes that simplicity is the key to success.

Company continues to beat out competitors in retail

The company has managed to beat the odds when it comes to the retail sector. Specializing in book sales, Barnes & Noble has been fighting to retain a strong presence in the retail industry as consumers become more tech-savvy. In 2011, one of the company’s major competitors, Borders, went out of business due to lackluster sales of physical products. Borders had a very modest presence in the online world and was not accommodating to mobile commerce, which contributed to the company’s downfall. After Borders became defunct, Barnes & Noble was quick to acquire its competitors trademarks and customer list.

Simplicity may help company retain top spot in Index

When it comes to e-commerce, Barnes & Noble’s major competitor is Amazon. Keynote notes that the company has managed to acquire a great deal of favor from consumers due to its focus on making its mobile commerce services simple and accessible. If the company can continue offering easy-to-use services, it may continue earning the top spot on Keynote’s Index.