
Should mobile phones be banned in school? Research says “no”

Professor Paul Howard-Jones has been speaking out against the banning of these devices in the classroom.

According to Academic, Professor Paul Howard-Jones, banning technology, such as mobile phones, in the classroom is “moving in the wrong direction” and parents should be paying closer attention to the way their children are interacting with other people and with their own tech.

Instead of trying to “demonize” these devices, the professor said it is more important to understand its use.

Howard-Jones cautioned that children are going to continue the use of mobile phones in the classroom regardless of what the rules say. Therefore, he feels it would be much more effective to allow the use and build an understanding of the way these mobile devices are being used by children. He explained that “I share concerns of parents about the effects of leisure technology on sleep and homework and exercise but it’s important that we don’t demonize it completely.”

Instead, Howard-Jones says parents should start looking at the ways their kids are using mobile phones.

Mobile Phones - SchoolThese statements about mobile devices were made by the professor at the same time that he released the results of one of his most recent studies, in which he discovered that playing computer games have the potential to boost the concentration levels among students, giving them an improved ability to better their grades. The research indicated that when learning is presented in game format, the mind of a student is less likely to wander, providing an improved ability to study.

Following this research, Howard-Jones said that over the last number of years, computer games have been “trivialized”, but that if they are properly implemented, they could actually help to enhance a student’s ability to learn. He stated that it is more important to understand the ways in which children are using mobile device and the internet. By banning these gadgets in the classroom, it makes it impossible to gain that information.

“We have to accept that technology is part of children’s lives. It isn’t about restricting it but about how they should be using it in a healthy way,” he said, when discussing the real-life implications of the results of his study.

Flipkart invests in growing mobile games firm Mech Mocha

Flipkart has invested funds into Mech Mocha in order to help the company grow in India

E-commerce giant Flipkart has announced provided funding to Mech Mocha, a mobile gaming company based in India. Flipkart has taken a strong interest in the mobile space, particularly where commerce is involved, but is beginning to show stronger support for mobile games. In November of last year, Flipkart invested in MadRat Games and the company continues to show favor for innovative mobile game developers, such as Mech Mocha.

Funding will help Mech Mocha develop new mobile games

The funding from Flipkart will allow Mech Mocha to expand its development team. The funding will also allow Mech Mocha to develop new mobile games that will be released in the Indian market. The firm also intends to support mobile commerce, to some degree, implementing a back-end platform which will support social media and mobile payment solutions. Mech Mocha has found a significant degree of success in India’s mobile gaming space, which is beginning to grow quickly as more consumers gain access to smartphones and the mobile Internet.

Mobile gaming is growing quickly in India

Mobile Games - Company InvestmentAccording to Mech Mocha, more than 400,000 people have installed its games in India. The Indian online gaming industry, which includes the mobile sector, is expected to reach $3 billion in value by 2018, growing from its current value of $1 billion. Developers from other countries are beginning to show interest in the Indian market due to accelerating smartphone penetration. As more consumers gain access to mobile devices, they are looking for new and convenient forms of entertainment. As such, they are turning to mobile games.

More developers are beginning to focus on the mobile space

Mobile games have vast potential in terms of revenue generation and the overall game industry is becoming more involved in the mobile space as a result. Some companies that have been devoted to developing games for traditional consoles have begun to focus exclusively on producing mobile games. These companies see mobile gaming as a very valuable opportunity that cannot be passed up, especially in thriving markets like India.