
Tapestry brings NFC technology to the fashion industry


NFC Technology FashionTapestry aims to bridge a gap with NFC technology

Fashion and technology are becoming increasingly entwined. The fashion industry has long sought to be on the cutting edge of every sector it is involved in and the advent of mobile technology may help push the industry into new territory. There are currently a wide variety of companies that combine fashion with digital technology, but a new startup in the United Kingdom called Tapestry aims to make use of NFC technology to connect consumers with actual products.

Application allows consumers to build virtual wardrobes

Tapestry offers a free mobile application for the Android and iOS platforms. This application aims to connect a consumer’s online identify with actual, physical products in stores they may be visiting. The application is equipped with a barcode scanner that will allow users to scan a variety of codes that will provide them with information on particular products. It also leverages NFC technology as a way to allow users to build a virtual wardrobe filled with products they may want to own.

Tapestry could be used as a personalized shopping channel

The application is meant to create a personalized mobile shopping channel for mobile consumers. Retailers may find the Tapestry application useful as it provides them with data concerning the interests of particular consumers and demographics. The platform also provide retailers with a way to provide these consumers with discounts and loyalty rewards, thus creating a dynamic connection between businesses and shoppers. Tapestry notes that the use of the application in this way could encourage consumers to add more products to their virtual wardrobes in order to receive more attention from retailers.

NFC technology gaining ground outside of mobile commerce

NFC technology is most often used in the field of mobile commerce, where it can facilitate mobile payments. The technology has been sparingly used in the field of marketing, but NFC is relatively rare in the fashion industry. Tapestry is one of the few applications outside of the mobile commerce sector that leverages NFC technology to connect with consumers in the fashion industry.

IgnitionOne report highlights growth for advertisers


IgnitionOne documents the positive impact Thanksgiving shopping has had for advertisers

IgnitionOne, a leading provider of digiIgnitionOne Mobile Commerce Growthtal marketing solutions, has released a new report documenting the positive impact the Thanksgiving holiday shopping weekend has had for advertisers. The firm suggests that from Black Friday to Cyber Monday, advertisers saw major growth in online searches, as well as other advertising fronts. The report shows that the holiday shopping weekend was a major success for more than just the retail industry and its endeavors in mobile commerce.

Spend and impressions on the rise

According to the report, advertisers saw search spend and impressions jump by 29% during the Thanksgiving shopping weekend over the levels they had been in the same period of 2011. Consumers also proved to be more responsive to the advertisements coming from marketers, accounting for a 23% increase in revenue. IgnitionOne suggests that the positive results marks a promising trend for the fourth quarter of 2012. The firm expects that the momentum gained by such a positive shopping weekend will carry on throughout the remainder of the quarter.

Paid search for smart phones and tablets continues to grow

Search advertising spending continues to grow, according to IgnitionOne, especially where mobile and tablet advertisements are concerned. More consumers are becoming reliant on their mobile devices, creating a promising opportunity for advertisers that are looking to engage consumers in a more dynamic way. The IgnitionOne report shows that paid search spend on smart phones has grown by 307% in the first half of the fourth quarter, with paid search spend for tablets up 231%.

Mobile technology continues to open new channels for advertisers

The report from IgnitionOne is the latest in a quarterly series that reviews the trends that exist in the online advertising space. The advent of mobile technology is expected to continue having a major impact on the way advertisers engage consumers, especially as more of these consumers turn to online channels to get what they want.