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How Far Can Mobile Technology Travel?

How Far Can Mobile Technology Travel?

Using mobile technology has become part of most people’s everyday lives, so when we go on vacation or travel abroad for business, we expect to take our various devices with us and to be able to use the apps that we take so much for granted at home, wherever we are in the world. We may even use apps that are designed to help travelers or to enable international communication. However, traveling internationally is not always as easy for technology as it is for us, so we can experience more than just the usual problem of having to find different power adapters in order to charge our devices in different parts of the world. Some apps and devices are built to travel further than others.

Apps for Travelers

Among the apps that travel well are many that have been designed with travelers in mind, although some of these travel-based apps tend to be of more use at home when planning a trip and booking flights or accommodation than when actually on vacation. It has become commonplace for people to research and book services online when preparing for a trip, but this still tends to be done on laptops or desktops rather than mobile devices. Apps and services that are designed to be used by travelers while they are away from home, even overseas, are a more recent development. Tour provider Iglu Ski has collected a list of some of the most useful travel apps, which includes the sorts of translation services, flight tracking and attraction guides that can be useful abroad, as well as tools for planning a trip that can be used from home. It reveals some of the changes being made in the international mobility of mobile technology. The majority of travelers now expect to use their smartphones to stay in touch and check social media while they are away, with many also using them to take photos, check directions and learn about nearby attractions, or even feeling pressure to continue working remotely while on vacation. According to a survey conducted by Frommer’s Unlimited the proportion of people using their phone on vacation has increased to 52% from just 27% in 2010, although the figure is even higher for people between the ages of 18 and 34, with 72% using their smartphones on vacation.

Apps Designed for International UseTravel Apps

Although many travel related uses of technology are concerned more with trip planning or looking back at vacation memories after the return home, there are a growing number of apps that are designed to be used while on vacation or overseas. Some apps simply work internationally because they are designed for use by people living in different parts of the world, but others are intended for people who are traveling across borders. For example, the Word Lens app can be used to translate written signs from smartphone photos, while Help Call can automatically connect users to emergency services in 126 different countries. These types of apps can detect a user’s location and provide relevant information and assistance.

Apps Limited by Location

Although apps and mobile devices are increasingly used abroad, the usefulness of some apps is still limited by location. Data and roaming charges can prevent people from making use of their smartphones while they are abroad, particularly those apps that require a lot of data streaming, although there are apps that are designed to help reduce the costs of using smartphones abroad, for example by offering cheaper international calls. Other apps are even more limited, since they will only function from particular locations or countries, while some simply offer limited functionality when traveling outside of major cities or when visiting a country where less geographic information has been collected and made available online. Travel apps that may provide a wealth of information about local transport and attractions in a major city in the US could provide very little assistance when visiting a small town in Australia or traveling through the Chinese countryside.

Making Mobile Technology Travel

Avoiding these types of geographical limitations will become more important for developers in the future, as smartphone use increases around the world and the travel industry continues to expand, but creating apps that can work no matter where in the world you are poses certain challenges. One of the main challenges for the developers themselves is ensuring that their apps provide a similar level of functionality no matter where the user is located, which will be much harder for apps that are supposed to provide local information. Remote locations are unlikely to be as well served as major cities, no mater whether the data is user generated or provided by the developers. Another issue is creating apps that can cross linguistic and cultural boundaries. Developers that can create apps which are as attractive to the growing markets in China, India and Africa as they are to the European and American markets will have a significant advantage. However, some of the potential issues for international app use are outside of the control of developers, since true mobility will require better network coverage and lower charges for international travelers.

10 Ways Augmented Reality Can Assist Retail

Today innovation trends influence significantly the marketing strategy.

Mobile devices became a vital element of a sales process, being used in decision-making processes. Following the trend, augmented reality has emerged as an innovative tool that allows brands to interact with consumers on their mobile devices. AR creates new digital experience that enriches the relationship between a consumer and a brand and can be used in any location – through PC at home, mobile devices or kiosks in stores.

Retailers have traditionally relied on print advertising campaigns or other media to promote products. Being divided in the past, print, media and in-store marketing efforts are merged today into the comprehensive consumer experience via augmented reality. Integration of augmented reality in marketing efforts aims to build consumer relationship, boost sales, and add value to the shopper experience. Retailers are getting the chance to attract their target audience by means multiple traditional and non-traditional interactions.

Here are top ten ways augmented reality can help retailers (with examples):

1. Improves conversion rates and reduces returns for clothing stores – Virtual fitting room (J.C.Penney)

Increased online conversion rate and reduced returns lead to an improved company’s profitability.

2. Optimizes warehouse space (SAP & Vuzix)

Augmented reality can improve navigation around warehouse territory when big spaces and a lot of inventory items are involved.

3. Combines traditional retail experience and e-commerce (Yihaodian & O&M)

The creation of virtual retail stores of any size makes it possible to stay closer to the customers with no inventory costs and long lines.

4. Enhances brand recognition (Cosmos(Tavria-V))

Gamification added to the physical products helps to engage customers with a product and works as an incentive to a quicker purchase.

5. Empowers advertising campaigns (VW)

Brands can incorporate AR experience into an advert which directs the user to the additional web content, product video, coupons etc.

6. Lets customers “try” before they buy with a 3D product preview (Lego)

The product demonstration may not be as high pressure as a pitch situation but it is still a selling opportunity. AR experience can make an engaging alternative in situations when it is impossible to demonstrate a real product.

7. Displays additional information about products shown, enriches shopping experience (IBM Research)

Anything from nutritional information to a virtual coupon that customers can redeem at check out can be incorporated with augmented reality.

8. Searches for deals around (Valpak)

Augmented reality functionality helps merchants’ offers get found and used by consumers.

9. Visualizes product catalogs  (IKEA)

The “projected” catalog items give a customer a real-time, scale view of what the product would look like in their space.

10. Brings customers inside a store (Hugo Boss)

AR-enabled store windows entertain potential customers and make them wonder what’s inside.

Technologies are emerging with a speed of light. Companies that are open to new opportunities and adopt trending technologies for business development are the most likely to grow their revenue and market share.

Augmented reality marketing and retail are fairly new, although we can see the significant growth of successful campaigns over the recent years. Retail is a very attractive field to explore Augmented Reality because the results can be seen in real figures, live feedbacks from the customers and often get viral exposure due to its novelty. The examples listed above talk for themselves. We anticipate new impressive campaigns in augmented reality retail and believe it will soon become a crucial tool in the marketing technology set.


Dariia Gaioshko – Product Marketing Manager at Augmented Pixels – Odessa, Ukraine