Technology news made as Intel invests $1.5 billion in China

The chipmaker is stepping into a mobile venture for which it will hold a 20 percent stake.

In recent technology news, Intel is going to pay as much as $1.5 billion in order to grab hold of a 20 percent stake in a venture in china that will have the company designing and manufacturing chips under the company’s brand for mobile phones as well as other types of electronic devices.

This is the latest step in Intel’s attempt to move away from the shrinking growth of the laptop and desktop market.

At the moment, Tsinghua Unigroup Ltd, a state owned organization that receives its funding from Beijing’s Tsinghua University, is the controller of the chipmakers in China, RDA Microelectronics, and Speadtrum Communications. Intel is seeking to make technology news by becoming a more important and stronger competitor in the mobile chip business, in which it has struggled to be able to achieve any level of dominance as is the case in laptops and desktop computers.

Intel’s technology news shows its drive to grasp onto a larger portion of the rapidly growing mobile market in China.

The Chinese mobile market has already become the largest on the globe. This, therefore, presents a massive opportunity for Intel, if it can manage to reach in and take a large piece for itself. This particular effort has recently taken on a greater level of urgency as sales growth has started to decline in traditional computers as people look to smartphones and tablets for many of their computing needs. As that more traditional tech category had been Intel’s bread and butter, it has meant that the company has needed to look to other areas in order to ensure future successes.

Recently, the technology news was announced that Intel and Spreadtrum would be working together to create a new family of smartphone chips. Those chips are expected to become available within the second half of 2015. The deal, itself, is expected to close at some point within the first quarter of next year. It represents the second corporate partnership entered into by Intel that is focused on mobile chips, this year.

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