Category: Small Business Owner

Why Remote Working Makes Sense for Your Start-Up

Remote working is a privilege not enjoyed by all start-up teams. However, working remotely carries many pros, like being able to hire better talent in areas where it’s harder to find (or keep), thereby avoiding the high costs of office space and overhead, renting space that better fits your company culture, and having more freedom, as a result of not having to commute.

Check out these six reasons remote working is beneficial for your start-up:

I) You Can Hire the Best Talent

Remote workers are less likely to be geographically constrained than their office counterparts. This means you can hire from anywhere in the world, which helps you find talent that is a better fit for your start-up. Thus, you can hire for other skill sets besides raw coding skills.

2) High-Speed Internet Brings Remote Teams Together

It’s common for a company to have different time zones worldwide. In such a scenario, an employee working at home outside of the regular business hours of their office could reach out to their managers and colleagues in other time zones from the comfort of their couches or beds.

Remote workers are also less likely to be limited by poor internet connectivity, as they would be at work in an office with, at best, two other laptops connected to a network. For example, residents and businesses in St Loius now benefit from awesomely fast fiber optic networks. Search internet provider Saint Louis to find a high-speed fiber optic network provider.

3) You Get to Turn Down the Office Pool

Remote workers don’t have to worry about walking into a swarming work environment, so they can pick and choose whether they want to join a company. Knowing you can easily opt out of an office job is a huge benefit.

4) It’s Not Necessary for Everyone in the Company to Work at the Same Time

If you find that one or two team members are better suited for working in the office, those people don’t have to feel like they’re missing out on something. Remote working allows everyone to live outside the office, making everyone feel happier and more comfortable at work.

5) You Can Avoid Dangerous Distractions

When you’re at the office, it’s easy to be distracted by the constant demands and distractions from others around you. If a co-worker needs help, it’s always good to assist. When people work remotely, there are fewer distractions than if everyone is packed into an office together.

6) You Can Stay Competitive in the Marketplace

If your start-up is remotely based, you can shift your company to a cheaper region, like Eastern Europe. However, when you’re located in the U.S., you must pay higher salaries and provide other benefits that cost more than companies in other regions of the globe. This allows your start up to stay competitive in the marketplace with companies from all over the world.

Remote working doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing endeavor. You can integrate remote work into certain parts of your company, without making it a complete overhaul. Remote working is an essential part of any start-up, especially in tech. These reasons make remote working a smart move for start-ups looking to grow and thrive.

Create Memorable Customer Experiences with AI – 4 Ways

The success of your business is influenced by many factors other than the quality of your product and its pricing.

Today customer experience is crucial for business success and using artificial intelligence can dramatically improve your customer experience giving your business a competitive edge.

For this reason, it’s important to explore AI as a way to enhance customer loyalty. To start with you can take advantage of readily available Artificial intelligence courses to sharpen your tech skills. This way you’ll be able to create a customer-centric culture and even come up with effective customer experience (CX) strategies. Also, you’ll be able to find the right technology that improves CX in your business.

How can you use AI to boost your customers’ experience? Keep reading to find out more.

  1. Use AI to personalized customer experience

Artificial intelligence applications, including machine learning and predictive analysis, can help you discover common customer issues and help find solutions for your users. You can use this data to implement chatbots for specific customer touchpoints on your website. This will help your business customize its real-time customer experience while remaining proactive.

The chatbots always stay ahead of your customers and help create a seamless user experience while getting rid of any problem before it arises. You can place the chatbots in high-traffic areas where they answer questions and tips and advice while researching or placing an order. These features are intended to help improve your customers’ experience and improve your brand’s image.

  1. Use AI to generate customer behavior patterns

You can use AI to analyze your customer’s behavioral patterns in seconds. The data obtained is used to create customer personas and help match your customers with the products they are likely to buy. This is also how you can generate content that is most relevant to readers.

The AI algorithm tracks the customer’s behavior from previous customer communications, purchasing behavior, referral sources, on-site interaction, and geo-specific events. These factors are essential because knowing more about your customer ensures that you can implement strategies to improve their buying experience.

  1. Use AI to improve lead generation

You must make the buying process for your customer pain-free, and chatbots are designed to do that for your business. A good example is using a set of pre-programmed questions to help validate leads before moving to a sales agent.

There are also instances where chatbots are used to  conversations with customers based on their browsing history to help improve the sale process and help upsell post-purchase.

  1. Customize content for your customers

Most commerce companies spend many hours composing and sending out weekly email content for their different segments of customers. However, you cannot deliver a customized email to every user in your email segment.

This is where AI comes in to help you send out customized emails by analyzing the topics of interest and detecting the pattern to help recommend the most relevant content. Customers prefer brands that can customize emails automatically based on content. The changes can make a huge difference in the response customers have towards your marketing efforts.

Ultimately, you can use Artificial intelligence to enhance the buyers’ journey at every step. It will help you understand who your customers are, their preferences, and how they shop, all factors that will help improve your business’s customer experience.


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