Tag: uk mobile commerce

Deloitte research predicts impact of mobile commerce in UK


UK Holiday Mobile Commerce SuccessDeloitte forecasts major success for mobile commerce during Christmas season

Though the Thanksgiving shopping weekend is over, the retail industry still has Christmas to look forward to. Thanksgiving proved to be a wondrous time for mobile commerce, showing just how willing consumers are to make purchases from their mobile devices. In the United Kingdom, Christmas may see similar results in mobile commerce that the retail industry had seen in the U.S. during the Thanksgiving weekend. New research from Deloitte suggests that mobile commerce is poised to hold significant influence over UK consumers.

Mobile devices will influence some $5 billion in transactions

According to research from Deloitte, approximately 10% of all in-store sales will be influenced by smart phones and tablets in December. While 10% may not seem like a large figure, the research suggests that mobile devices will serve as the decision maker for some $5 billion in transactions during the entire month. The research shows just how important mobile devices are becoming for consumers and how these consumers are beginning to put more interest into mobile commerce.

Consumers to rely on mobile devices for research and shopping

Though the research shows that mobile commerce will play a big role with UK consumers, Deloitte notes that mobile devices will not necessarily be used to actually purchase products. More consumers are likely to use their mobile device for shopping and research purchases, with a relatively small number of people actually making physical purchases with their device. Mobile commerce is multi-faceted, however, and accounts for online sales and not only those made through physical stores. Deloitte research predicts that online retail is expected to spike by 17% during the Christmas season.

Mobile commerce gaining more attention from retail industry

Mobile commerce is quickly grabbing the attention of the retail industry in an aggressive way. Mobile commerce had a powerful showing during the Thanksgiving weekend, showing just how capable e-commerce and m-commerce platforms can be in engaging consumers. Deloitte expects similar results in the UK during the Christmas season as consumers continue their holiday shopping.

Verdict report highlights mobile commerce growth


Verdict details growth of mobile commerce in the UK

Verdict, an independent retail analyst, has released a new report concerning the growth of mobile commerce in the UK. The report, titled “M-Commerce in the UK 2012,” examined the trends that have contributed to the growing popularity surrounding mobile commerce and what consumers are responding to. The response from consumers is dictating how the retail industry makes use of mobile commerce services and how these services are being incorporated into an overarching business structure.

Growth expected to exceed 500% by 2017

In the report, Verdict predicts that mobile commerce will grow more than 504% from 2012 to 2017. Much of this growth is being attributed to the growing demand for mobile commerce services coming from consumers. The retail industry is eager to meet this demand, introducing new mobile commerce services to better serve customers that wish to use their smart phones and other devices to make purchases of products. Indeed, the retail industry is expected to dominate the UK market in terms of mobile commerce.

Consumers respond well to mobile commerce initiatives

According to  the report, Verdict expects mobile shopping and purchases to flourish in the coming years. The report includes the results of a survey carried out by Verdict, which found that 24.8% of consumers claimed they were likely to use their mobile device to research a product before buying it. These consumers also expressed interest in using their mobile devices to purchase goods, a trend that is becoming more popular as more consumers become comfortable with the capabilities of mobile technology.

UK on its way to dominating mobile commerce market

The United Kingdom is quickly shaping up to be one of the most attractive mobile commerce markets in the world. UK consumers have already shown their willingness to participate in mobile shopping and purchases, more so than consumers in many other countries where mobile commerce has established a foothold. If the trends Verdict has seen continue, the UK may be the most robust mobile commerce market in the world.

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