Tag: telefonica

Mobile payments gain more support in Germany

German companies are working together to promote mobile commerce throughout the market

NFC-based mobile payments are receiving more attention in Germany. The country’s retailers and mobile carriers are beginning to promote NFC technology as a way to participate in mobile commerce. A growing number of consumers have been demanding new mobile services that allow them to purchase products with their mobile devices. Many of these services are based on NFC technology, but relatively few German companies have embraced this technology in order to engage mobile consumers.

2,000 NFC-enabled payment terminals to be deployed in Germany

Vodafone Germany, Deutsche Telekom, and Telefonica are working with six major retailers throughout Germany to introduce new mobile point-of-sale terminals. Some 2,000 of these terminals are being provided to retailers in Germany. These terminals are equipped with NFC technology that will allow them to accept transactions being made from mobile devices. In order for these transactions to be conducted, however, the devices themselves will also have to make use of NFC technology.

NFC technology continues to play a major role in the mobile payments space

NFC-enabled mobile devices had been rare in the past, but these devices are now quite common throughout several prominent markets. NFC technology currently makes up the majority of the mobile payments infrastructure, and devices that are equipped with the technology have little trouble participating in the mobile commerce space. Retailers have been somewhat slow to embrace the technology, however, due to the costs associated with purchasing and upgrading existing point-of-sale terminals. With the help of other large companies, retailers may be able to mitigate these costs and establish a foothold in the mobile payments scene.

Germany’s mobile commerce market is beginning to become more lively

Germany’s mobile commerce scene is somewhat less active than what can be found in other markets. While consumers have shown significant interest in mobile payments, they have not shown aggressive support for services that allow them to pay for products with their smartphones and tablets. This may change in the coming years, as retailers become more accommodating of mobile shopping.

Apple acquires mobile payments specialist from Visa

Mary Carol Harris joins Apple, bringing her extensive mobile payments experience with her

Apple has made an aggressive move in the mobile payments space. The company has successfully acquired Mary Carol Harris, the former director of mobile for Visa Europe. Harris has significant experience in the mobile space, especially when it comes to payments. She also has expertise with NFC technology, which is the foundation of the new Apple Pay service. Apple’s acquisition of Harris may go a long way in improving the company’s stance in the European mobile commerce market.

Apple is working to establish a strong foothold in the European market

Apple Pay intends to change the way that people pay for goods and services, leveraging contactless technology in order to make payments more convenient for consumers. The service is already being heavily supported by a wide variety of financial institutions, including Visa itself. In the U.S., Apple Pay has been met with excitement, but this is not the case in other parts of the world. In Europe, the demand for mobile commerce services has been quite high, but consumers have become quite comfortable with the services that they are currently using, which may make it difficult for Apple Pay to stand out amongst the competition.

Harris could be pivotal to Apple’s European goals

Mary Carol Harris has 14 years of experience in digital and mobile payments. Before joining Visa, she ran Telefonica’s NFC division. She served as Visa Europe’s vice president in charge of strategic alliances and projects in mobile thereafter. Harris has extensive experience in creating mobile payment systems and she was one of the pioneers of payments via SMS. She may serve as a powerful ally in Apple’s push into the European market.

Apple looks to partner with European financial organizations

Apple is hoping to form partnerships with European financial institutions that mirror its partnerships with organizations in the U.S. By partnering with European banks, Apple will be able to make its new mobile payments service more widely available. The Apple Pay service supports NFC technology, but only works with payments being made from an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus.

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