Tag: tablet shopping

T-commerce dominance may be passed from iPad to Android

T-Commerce Android may dominate iPadApple is losing ground in the tablet market where it has always held the top spot.

T-commerce has always been an area in which Apple has held the lead, but with smaller, cheaper tablets based on Android technology becoming increasingly popular, iPads are starting to lose their dominance.

The research firm IDC has predicted that Android tablets will soon be taking the lead.

This news from IDC could be extremely defining for the t-commerce world, as it could change the marketing and shopping strategies for many companies that have been placing their primary focus on the Apple devices due to their reining popularity. However, as Android tablets start to step forward, those companies may soon find themselves changing direction to appeal to the new leader in the industry.

The projections from IDC show that Apple will fall behind Android in t-commerce before the close of 2013.

The t-commerce industry has been taking on new direction over the last few releases from Apple, as consumers focus more on convenience and price. However, even as the iPad Mini was released with a 7.9 inch screen and a smaller price tag, it didn’t appear to be enough to keep up with the massive number of Android tablet options currently on the market.

IDC believes that before the end of the year, should the trends continue in the same direction – and it looks as though that will be the case – the iPad of all shapes and sizes will need to give up its number one spot as the leading t-commerce platform.

The current trend is showing that the screens in the size from 7 to 8 inches will be driving the shipments for tablets around the world to reach 191 million by the end of 2013. That has risen from an original forecast that had been 172 million. According to an IDC program manager, Ryan Reith, “iOS tablets have already lost ground to Android tablets.”

This has been a considerable shift in the t-commerce world, considering that in 2011, 56 percent of the worldwide market was held by iOS, with Android well behind it at 40 percent.

Mcommerce is on the cusp of explosive growth

There are many drivers that are sending this channel right to the brink of its fastest increase yet.

The mcommerce world is sitting right at the very edge of the fastest growth that it has ever experienced, and there are a number of reasons that this already rapid increase is about to take off like never before.

A recent report has identified some of the drivers that are sending the mobile figures skywards.

One of the most common leisure time activities among today’s consumer is to watch television while holding a smartphone or tablet device. This second screen makes it possible to investigate all manner of topics, ideas, and products that appear on the television before the consumer. The mcommerce industry is not oblivious to this trend and is working very hard to create smartphone and tablet friendly sites and apps that will relate to what is being seen on the televisions so that it becomes possible to capitalize on this activity.

This mcommerce trend is known as the “second screen”, where two devices are used for watching television.

This occurs when the viewer is watching television but uses the smaller device in order to provide support information. A new BI Intelligence report is now showing that second screen, as well as a number of other drivers, are sending mcommerce rapidly skyward at what will soon be an explosive rate. Among the other drivers that were named include smartphone optimized websites and social networks.

Companies are beginning to use their carefully devised tools to help to monitor how second screen audiences are using their smartphones and tablets in order to enhance their television watching experience. The goal is to use this opportunity to improve the mcommerce offerings in a way that they will be seen as more useful and that they will help to encourage greater conversion rates and sales.

The report also named additional reasons that illustrate why second screen based mcommerce will certainly succeed. These include: rapid usage growth, widespread acceptance and adoption, well established activity, and the ease of creating bridges through sites and apps designed specifically for this experience.

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