This helps the brand to provide a more personalized and interactive experience than it could over other channels.

Stoli has now come up with cool new types of mobile ads that work to help encourage consumers to take part in the creation of digital drinks using its products by way of their smartphones.

The idea of the ads is to use touch technology to draw awareness to the brand over mobile devices.

This is meant to provide users with a more intimate experience than is possible over other marketing channels. Moreover these mobile ads appeal to many different senses including touch, sight and sound, as they bring together all those elements. The vodka brand has done this by using haptics in order to make the viewers of the advertisements experience a range of different elements when they see the ads.

For example, the mobile ads vibrate the phone in combination with certain interactive components.

For example, when different elements need to be added to the digital cocktail, the phone vibrates. This also occurs while the drink is being “shaken”, that is, when the phone is being shaken.

According to the Stoli Vodka brand director, Russ Pareti, “We’re always looking for new and unique ways to interact and connect with our millennial consumer. Pareti also stated that “We felt like this technology fit really well with our digital short campaign.”

What has yet to be seen is how actual consumers will respond to this type of mobile advertising. There are many haptic elements throughout this marketing strategy and this is quite new and revolutionary in this area. It is unlike most of what else is out there, so it will be interesting to see the consumer response to these new types of advertising. The hope from the team at Stoli is that the more the viewers are engaged through their different senses, the more powerful – and therefore the more effective – these mobile ads will be. The primary issue that will need to be watched with be the vibration feature, which appears quite unexpectedly and which has rarely – if ever – been worked into a smartphone ad in other campaigns.