Tag: smartphone shopping

M-commerce is experiencing more widespread acceptance

The results of newly released research have pointed to greater adoption of shopping over smartphones and tablets.

Stibo Systems has just released the results of its 2013 Consumer Retail Survey, which indicated that the number of consumers who have used a smartphone, tablet, or other mobile device in order to purchase a product through m-commerce has increased by 19 percent over the last year.

This was said to have reflected a considerably rising acceptance of shopping over this channel.

Among the respondents who took part in the survey, 59 percent said that they had bought something using m-commerce. Three out of every four participants said that it was “very important” to be able to learn more about a product through online information. This was an increase of 8 percent from having been 67 percent in 2012. According to the report about the survey, this indicated that consumers are becoming more savvy shoppers.

The report stated that consumers are becoming more selective and sophisticated through m-commerce.

They are using the devices to inform themselves about their purchases before they make their decisions and m-commerce is beginning to play a growing role in that behavior.

According to the Stibo Systems U.K. managing director, Mark Thorpe, “Although every year is hailed as the ‘year of the mobile’, there is sufficient evidence in these results to demonstrate that mobile is now a legitimate channel for retailers, particularly with the recent rapid adoption of tablet devices.”

Thorpe went on to say that if retailers want to take full advantage of the benefits of m-commerce, then they will need to start paying attention to it not only to make sure that consumers are enjoying the experience that is being provided, but also to be able to meet their expectations. The report indicated that this would help these companies to avoid disappointing their customers, which could be a rapid road to losing potential customers and many sales over the long term.

The survey’s results not only indicated that m-commerce is being more widely accepted, but also that it is becoming increasingly important to the decision that a consumer will have as to whether or not he or she will actually make a purchase, and where.

Mcommerce sites in China see increases of 600 percent in 2012

The leading websites in the country saw tremendous growth over the mobile channel.

Recently released data from the leading e-commerce sites in China have revealed that those websites experienced an average mcommerce growth of 600 percent last year.

In that country, online shopping is generates an estimated $40,000 per second.

However, the majority of that spending has been over laptops and desktops. This is what has made it so notable that Tmall and Taobao have reported that the purchases that were being made on their websites by way of smartphones and tablets has skyrocketed by 600 percent. This represents a massive growth in the importance of mcommerce and tcommerce.

There have also been a number of other considerable mcommerce victories over the last year.

The company that operates both of the aforementioned stores, Alibaba, also revealed that the number of unique visitors that came to Taobao in 2012 over its mcommerce apps or through a browser broke the 300 million mark. The blog from that company explained that among those visitors from mobile devices, 57 million (19 percent) actually made a purchase over their smartphones.

Though this makes it appear as though shoppers have made a major move toward mcommerce, among all of the transactions completed on Taobao last year, mobile represented only 6.87 percent. This is an increase of only 1.77 percent over the year before.

It was previously revealed through the data produced by iResearch last year in the second quarter that Tmall and Taobao had already established themselves as mcommerce leaders in china. They stepped far above the competition by taking in an online shopping share of 75.6 percent of all purchases made on the internet through the use of any device. Though there are other strong online retailers in the country, there are a number that remain underrepresented over smartphone and tcommerce, such as Amazon China.

According to Alex Qiu, the general manager for the Alibaba mobile business unit, “The speed of mobile adoption has been much faster than we thought it would be.” As smartphone and tablet adoption continue to take off in China, it makes sense that the use of mcommerce will only continue to grow.

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