Tag: mobile shoppers

Driving forces behind mobile shopping decisions discovered

A recent Instart Logic survey has identified the reason behind certain m-commerce habits.

New research has provided a considerable amount of insight into the driving forces behind some of the most important consumer mobile shopping habits, providing a better understanding of what factors come into play when deciding where to spend money.

The research was conducted in the form of a survey by Instart Logic and was conducted in the U.S.

There were 2,000 American consumers who participated in the survey and shared their mobile shopping habits in order to make it possible to better understand what was driving them. The research indicated that consumer confidence in a given brand is heavily linked to the quality of an individual’s experience while taking part in mobile commerce. It was also determined that a clean site that is light and quick to load generates a better response from shoppers.

A large number of people are using their smartphones and mobile shopping features as a part of the choosing process.

The research findings stated that 62 percent of American adult consumers said that their mobile phones were used at some point in the complete shopping process, from discovery, to product research and even to actually buying the product. Among those who did use their mobile devices at some point in the shopping process, 77 percent said that they used m-commerce as a part of their initial research. Another 73 percent said their mobile devices were used for reading about product information and reviews.

Over three in every four shoppers indicated that using mobile commerce activities was helpful to their shopping success. Among them, 73 percent said they liked the convenience of shopping over mobile devices. Another 72 percent said it was appealing because it was always available.

More than half of the survey respondents said they would be making the same purchases over their smartphones that they would make from within a brick and mortar shop. Among them, 74 percent said that the deciding factor between mobile shopping and buying in person was the price they could find for the product they were seeking to purchase.

M-commerce is taking over e-commerce market share in A.S.E.A.N. countries

Association of Southeast Asian Nations are increasingly using smartphones to shop and buy.

A recent study conducted on behalf of Visa has shown that consumers in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (A.S.E.A.N.) member countries are using m-commerce on an increasing basis for making purchases of products and services online.

Consumers in these countries are also using their mobile devices to make bill payments instead of using PCs.

The “2015 Regional eCommerce Monitor Survey for Asia-Pacific” from Visa determined that the A.S.E.A.N. countries are now using m-commerce at a rate that is 22 percent larger than it was last year. The report was based on an analysis of the results of a survey in which there were 11,760 participants. The respondents were between 15 and 55 years old and lived within any of 13 different Asia-Pacific countries, including the A.S.E.A.N. countries of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, and Vietnam.

The largest amount of growth in the use of m-commerce over the last year were in Indonesia, mainland China and Taiwan.

In Indonesia, 36 percent of respondents said that they were using mobile commerce, while 34 percent of those from mainland China were shopping over their smartphones and tablets. In Taiwan, that figure was not far behind at 28 percent.

The Visa Asia Pacific regional director for e-commerce, Conor Lynch, stated that “The results of the 2015 survey show that making purchases on-the-go through mobile devices is becoming the norm in the Asia-Pacific.” He also added that as the comfort level increases among consumers with regards to using mobile devices to learn more about products they’d like to purchase and to actually buy them, it won’t be long before mobile commerce overtakes traditional online shopping over desktops and laptops among retail stores.

In A.S.E.A.N. countries, there is a very powerful drive toward the use of m-commerce as there is considerable ease of access over mobile and there is a significant push in the real world to use smartphones for in response to advertisements. Many billboards, print and television ads encourage shoppers to interact with them by way of their devices. This, according to Sandy Shen the research director at Gartner.

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