Tag: mobile marketing trends

Mobile marketing trends show a focus on overcoming ad blockers

As ad blocking apps become more popular, marketers are working on more appealing alternatives.

As ad blocking apps have suddenly exploded in popularity – particularly now that they have been permitted on iPhones and other iOS devices – mobile marketing firms have found themselves taking a cold hard look at the techniques that they have been using to reach consumers, and what they can do to overcome being potentially blocked.

Advertisers are finding themselves experimenting with different ways to reach customers over smartphones.

A growing belief is that mobile marketing companies will need to start looking for new, relevant, context-driven techniques to connect with consumers in a way that is appealing enough that they will not want to take measures to block them off. Two areas that many feel will be grabbing a great deal of focus will be in-app advertising and branded content. While it is too early to tell precisely what the top methods will be, these are some of the main guesses, so far.

At this point, it has not yet reached the point in which mobile marketing budgets are being slashed back.

So far, ad blocking apps haven’t had enough of an impact to stop industry execs from wanting to spend over this channel. That said, there is still a risk that a reduction in mobile web ad inventory could occur as publishers and advertisers gauge the impact of ad blockers and attempt to find other methods of reaching consumers in which they are less likely to be blocked.

According to A.T. Kerney media and technology practice partner, Greg Portell, “Budgets will continue to shift to mobile as they catch up with the shift in eyeballs.” He added that “There should be a period of time with spend in mobile rising regardless of ad tech.” Portell pointed out that there has been some worry expressed over the risks associated with ad blocking software, which will help to drive experimentation to a greater degree than has been the norm until now.

He feels that there will likely be a rise in branded and native sponsored content. He also underscored the importance of providing consumers with relevant communications within an appropriate context, saying that it “transcends ad blocking”

Mobile marketing budgets to increase by 25 percent

A recent India based study has shown that interest in advertising over this channel is growing fast.

Even though marketers in India typically reserve 10 percent or less of their total advertising budget for mobile marketing, a new report has indicated that this trend is currently changing and that by the end of the year, that figure will have risen by 25 percent.

Marketing firms in India tend to spend less of their overall ad budgets on mobile than Asian Pacific counterparts.

Almost 75 percent of marketers in India currently reserve 10 percent or less of their overall ad budgets for mobile marketing. In Asia Pacific countries, only 66 percent have such a low percentage reserved for this channel. This, according to a report that has been issued by Warc and the Mobile Marketing Association. That said, the report did take care to underscore the fact that much of the industry is expecting to increase their amount of spending on smartphone ads by 25 percent.

The portion of the mobile marketing budget will also continue to rise by another 51 to 99 percent by 2020.

There will also be overall advertising budget growth heading to India, this year. Therefore, even though there will still be companies that will be spending only 10 percent of their total budget on mobile ads, the amount of money actually being spent will be increasing. In fact, the total budgets in India are predicted to rise by an average of 46 percent, which is slightly higher than Asia Pacific company counterparts, where the prediction is a 43 percent increase.

To explain the growth in the amount of spending that will be dedicated to mobile advertising, the report indicated that the cost associated with smartphone ads has increased by 49 percent. Therefore, to maintain the same strategy, it is costing companies more. “While marketers appreciate the importance of the mobile channel in India, full potential of mobile advertising is still to be realized,” said the report.

Approximately 47 percent of the respondents to this survey stated that they felt that mobile marketing is an effective channel and that it provides brands with benefit.

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