Tag: mobile marketing spending

Mobile marketing will receive a greater investment next year

Companies will be spending more to advertise and promote over that channel in the next 12 months.

A recent report on mobile marketing and commerce has determined that showrooming may not be considered to be as great of a threat as expected, as only 11 percent of retailers participating in a study claimed that they felt that it is a shopping behavior that could be harmful to their own revenues.

For this reason, many companies are pouring more money into the channel to help to boost their in store experience.

The research, which was published by BuyDesire and Econsultancy determined that most companies will be increasing their mobile marketing budgets over the next year and that this reflects a greater adoption of the channel, overall. They showed that out of every ten companies, seven have said that they would be increasing their spending in this area within the 12 months following the survey. The purpose is to keep up with the growth of the channel.

Only a small number of companies are currently using mobile marketing at the moment.

However, the current trends are changing and although the majority of companies are not using mobile marketing at the moment, they are changing their tunes and will primarily be doing so within the next year in some shape or form. They will be incorporating these technologies into their overall strategies on a growing basis.

The survey was conducted by the company from July through August and involved the participation of over 500 agency and in-house marketers. Among them, almost one third (29 percent) intend to use tablet optimized websites for the first time in the next year, with a considerable growth in location based mobile marketing (22 percent) and m-commerce (20 percent).

According to an Econsultancy research analysis, Bola Awoniyi, who spoke about these mobile marketing study results, “The research makes it clear we are at a tipping point with regards to mobile marketing and m-commerce. More companies that have been treading water with mobile technology will be taking the plunge in the near future.” It was also seen that only 11 percent feel threatened in any way by showrooming, even though 67 percent noted that the in-store use of smartphones was rising.

Mobile marketing ad spending on its way up in 2013

Digital ads will represent 22 percent of all American ad spending this year, with mobile at 3.7 percent.

According to the latest report on spending in digital and mobile marketing, online ads will make up 22 percent of all of the U.S. ad spending this year, which represents a considerable growth.

Ads geared toward consumers on smartphones and tablets will also be growing steadily.

This will bring the global ad spending up to a healthy 3.5 percent growth to reach $503 billion by the time this year comes to a close. The amount being directed toward the internet and mobile marketing specifically will only continue to rise. This, according to the latest figures that have been released by ZenithOptimedia, an ad agency owned by Publicis.

Mobile marketing ads will account for 3.7 percent of all ad spending in the U.S. ($6.2 billion).

The United States is disproportionately the single largest advertising marketplace. The digital spending in that country throughout all of 2013 was predicted by the report to be 21.8 percent of all of the ad spending, which will total $109.7 billion). This is an increase of a very healthy 19 percent over the figure from 2012.

At the same time, mobile marketing does still remain a small fraction of the overall activity, despite its rapid growth, at its 3.7 percent of total ad spending. Equally, it is the most rapidly growing channel in advertising spending, leading the way with a massive 81 percent growth in the American market this year. That rate is expected to slow somewhat, but remain very high at 61 percent growth throughout 2014, and slow a little bit more in 2015, to 53 percent. At that time, it is expected to make up 8.4 percent of all ad spending.

When compared to standard internet advertising, mobile marketing is positively exploding. The report showed that online advertising is growing by about 16 percent this year and will make up 27.8 percent of all American ad spending by the end of 2015. Those figures are just as impressive outside of the U.S. market, where smartphones and tablets are also growing in popularity.

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