Tag: germany mobile commerce

Mobile payments find new advocates in Germany

Mobile Payments Germany PartnershipDeutsche Telekom finds new partners to expand mobile payments throughout Europe

Deutsche Telekom, one of the largest telecommunications companies in Europe, has found two new vendors to support its deployment of NFC-based mobile commerce systems. These vendors are B+S Card Services and Intercard. Together, the vendors form a network through which NFC-based mobile payments can be made more available to consumers. In Europe, the demand for comprehensive mobile commerce services is increasing rapidly, pressuring Deutsche Telekom to reach out for partners in its continued efforts to make mobile payments more common.

NFC-based mobile payments to be major focus

The telecommunications company has been an advocate of mobile payments for some time, favoring solutions that make use of NFC technology. This technology is responsible for facilitating mobile payments as it allows for digital information to be transmitted over short distanced. Indeed, NFC is one of the pillars of the mobile commerce world, helping it take form and expanding its acceptance throughout the world. Deutsche Telekom has been developing several NFC-based mobile commerce platforms in order to meet the growing needs of consumers.

Infrastructure to be expanded in Germany

The vendors will help bolster the infrastructure required to process mobile payments at point-of-sale terminals and vending machines. These efforts will be primarily focused on the German market initially. Expansion of this infrastructure is likely to happen within the next few years, as mobile commerce becomes more common in several industries. These efforts are just a portion of the overall plan of Deutsche Telekom, which has been branching into several fields of mobile commerce to find ways to promote mobile payments among consumers.

NFC may be becoming less popular in mobile commerce

NFC technology has been the subject of criticism for some time, mostly due to its lackluster security features. Some companies claim that NFC is just not capable of providing the security necessary to make mobile commerce common among consumers. Along with the current lack of NFC-enabled mobile devices, the technology is quickly becoming a less prominent focus on the mobile commerce field.

yStat highlights growth of m-commerce in Germany


yStat predicts mobile commerce to continue gaining momentum in Europe

A recent report from yStat, a market research firm based in Germany, shows that mobile commerce is one the rise in Germany and much of the rest of Europe. Retailers have been showing strong support for mobile commerce, largely because of the interest consumers have been showing in the same concept. Consumers around the world are beginning to rely more heavily on their smart phones and tablets, thus presenting an opportunity for a new form of commerce to take root. Mobile commerce represents a major opportunity for retailers that are able to attract the attention of these consumers.

2012 may be one of the most successful years for the retail industry

According to yStat, revenue from m-commerce and e-commerce gateways is expected to have shown major growth in 2012, with retail sales made through mobile platforms accounting for a sizeable portion of this growth. Online-only businesses, such as eBay and Amazon, are likely to find that they have performed well in Germany. yStat notes that mobile sales in 2012 have already shown signs of aggressive consumer adoption in the realm of mobile commerce.

Reputation dictates spending

yStat predicts that the number of consumers that use digital platforms to make purchases will increase well into 2016. Mobile commerce will play a big role in this growth as consumers gain access to more convenient, secure, and feature-filled services. While mobile commerce platforms have to provide consumers with expedient and convenient services in order to be considered viable, the reputation of a retailer is more important when it comes to mobile shopping. According to yStat, consumers are more likely to spend money online with a company that they believe can be trusted.

Amazon ahead of the curve

yStat notes that Amazon is well ahead of the curve when it comes to mobile commerce in Germany. The company has long held a powerful presence in the online, space, but has been working to broaden its reach to mobile consumers recently. The company’s efforts seem to be paying off, as Amazon experienced powerful growth in terms of mobile sales this year.

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