Tag: geolocation mobile marketing

Geolocation is being used to build brand relevancy

Companies are seeing the technology as an opportunity to communicate more effectively with consumers.

Smartphone shoppers not only provide businesses with revenue through sales, but through geolocation techniques, they are also giving companies important data about where they are at various times of the day and on different days of the week.

This data is being used to help improve the relevancy of the way that businesses communicate with consumers.

By using the information collected through geolocation, they are able to provide far more personalized and relevant information so that the communication between brands and consumers can considerably improve. For instance, when someone checks into a coffee shop on a regular basis in the morning, that data can be collected in order to identify this pattern so that the individual can then be sent a coupon at that time and for that business.

This type of geolocation technique could make a notable impact on mobile marketing effectiveness.

In this way, geolocation can not only help businesses to reach consumers at the times that are most relevant with an offer that they will find most appealing, in order to encourage more spending at the store, but it can benefit the consumer, as well. It means that the advertising and promotions that he or she receives will more closely reflect what is actually wanted.

That said, it is vital that geolocation technology be treated very carefully. There is a thin line between collecting data so that relevant mobile marketing can be produced, and simply inundating a consumer with ads based on everything that he or she has ever done. The chief revenue officer at Foursquare, Steve Rosenblatt, explained that “Relevance and content is what it all boils down to.”

Foursquare is a highly popular geolocation company that experiences approximately five million mobile check-ins every day. Rosenblatt stated that “The more you check in, the more data [we have] and the more relevant information we can send.” The more consumers take part in this type of activity, the better brands will be able to understand what they want so that mobile marketing can be personalized in a highly accurate way.

Geolocation partnership declared between SocialVibe and Placecast

The two companies will also work together to provide a virtual currency service to consumers.

SocialVibe, a digital ad company, and Placecast, a location-based mobile marketing business, have just announced that they will be working together to bring together geolocation and virtual currency that can be amassed by consumers through gaming and online browsing behaviors.

This service will target mobile shoppers who are seeking retail discounts at local shops.

The partnership between these two companies marries the digital marketing platform from SocialVibe with the geofencing technology from Placecast, in order to improve and enhance the consumer experience. In order to take advantage of these geolocation technology benefits, a consumer will need to travel near to the actual physical location of the store. This will trigger the discount opportunities.

The entire geolocation discount experience is based on an opt-in program.

Within it, the consumer can choose the specific brands from which he or she would like to receive geolocation based discount alerts. Every time they opt in for a program, they use virtual currency that is connected to an online activity or social game in which he or she is participating. When that individual travels near to the brick and mortar storefront that is linked to that specific brand program, it triggers a geofence, which then sends the consumer an SMS alert. This could include anything from a reminder of the currency that has been earned to a specific discount offer.

The partnership provides a new way of interacting with consumers (through their online browsing and gaming habits), in order to develop them into a geolocation marketing strategy based on his or her physical position, which then makes offers for in store discounts and other benefits.

It is not yet known which games will be available to the consumers as a result of this new partnership. However, the technology is already being tested, said the director of business development at SocialVibe, Chris LoRusso.

The new partnership will work with geolocation technologies as well as SMS messaging, which means that it is not necessary for the user to have a smartphone provided that he or she simply opts in.

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