Tag: canadian mobile commerce

Smartphone trends show increase in consumer mobile shopping and TV watching

The research was conducted in Canada and showed that people like their devices for these purposes.

A new study has been conducted by Catalyst and GroupM that has looked into the latest smartphone trends among Canadian consumers, which has shown that there are certain activities that are beginning to stand out as more commonplace.

The results of the survey were published in a report that was entitled “The Evolving Canadian Mobile Landscape.”

The report is quite insightful with regards to recent smartphone trends, though it is important to note that the sample size was only 1,100 people. The results indicated that there is now a 68 percent smartphone penetration among Canadian adults. This represents a growth rate of 24 percent over what it had been last year. That figure is less than what Canadian wireless carriers reported within their own data. For instance, Rogers stated, last quarter, that among its subscribers, 84 percent had smartphones. Similarly, Bell and Telus reported a penetration of 76 and 81 percent, respectively, among their postpaid customers.

The report also indicated that these are not necessarily brand new smartphone trends, as most owners have had multiple devices.

It said that “Most smartphone owners are already on their second or third device,” and pointed out that “In 2014, the mean number of smartphones ever owned by current smartphone owners was 2.12. In 2015, that number increased by nearly 12 per cent to 2.37.” Though the report doesn’t specifically explain why this increase has happened, the decision of the CRTC to require carriers to move into shorter two-year contracts and gradually eliminate the three-year contracts is quite likely to have played a role.

Another potential factor is the average age of mobile device users. Over the last year, it has experienced an increase, particularly when it comes to smartphones, specifically. This, according to the data within the Catalyst report. Among its sample, those who owned that kind of cell phone were primarily within the age groups of 25 to 34 years, and 45 to 54 years.

That said, what was likely the most fascinating about this smartphone trends study was the way in which those device owners were actually using them. Activity while on the go has decreased, while usage while at home has climbed. A growing number of Canadians are engaging in mobile commerce, news article reading, television watching, and Facebook access over these small screen devices.

Mobile devices used for 49 percent of online time, comScore

Nearly half of all of the traffic on the internet from Canada stems from a smartphone, tablet, or similar gadget.

According to the research firm, comScore, the use of mobile devices by Canadians is making its way beyond an important milestone, as the number of hours spent online over these gadgets closes in on the fifty percent mark.

Of all of the time that Canadians spend online, 49 percent of it comes from smartphones and tablets.

Canadians are currently spending an average of 33 total hours online when taking the use of all of their connected gadgets into account. Forty nine percent of that is coming from mobile devices such as their cell phones, tablets, wearable technology gadgets, the iPad Touch, and other connected electronics. If things continue in the same direction, it won’t be long at all before people in Canada are using their smartphones and tablets for more of their online time than their laptops and desktop computers.

comScore explained that messaging apps, web searches and social networks are driving the use of mobile devices upward.

The firm explained that these are the purposes for which mobile gadgets are being most used while connected to the internet. For some of those users, smartphones and tablets represent the only way in which they are using the internet, and they have given up on their desktop and tablet computers, altogether.

There are currently 1.3 people in the country that will use a mobile device exclusively for accessing the internet, and who will not even touch a traditional computer, said senior account manager at comScore, Paul Rich. Rich explained that “Four per cent (of Canadian Internet users) look at online content in a month with (just) their mobile devices — their smartphone or tablet —and they don’t access anything on the desktop. That’s an emerging shift we’re seeing.”

On the other hand, while the use of mobile devices the only way that 4 percent of Canadians were accessing the internet, there was still a tremendously larger 47 percent who used their computers exclusively for their online activities, added Rich. Among those who used only smartphones or tablets, women made up 55 percent.

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